

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nat Rev Mol Cell Bio 1471-0072 49 111.700 112.100 112.700
Nature Medicine Nat Med 1078-8956 235 69.400 82.300 82.900
Cell Cell 0092-8674 284 57.500 64.000 64.500
Cancer Cell Cancer Cell 1535-6108 80 43.900 49.700 50.300
Cell Research Cell Res 1001-0602 47 39.300 43.800 44.100
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Signal Transduct Tar 2095-9907 210 37.200 38.700 39.300
Cell Metabolism Cell Metab 1550-4131 123 31.300 28.600 29.000
Nature Cell Biology Nat Cell Biol 1465-7392 141 26.600 21.100 21.300
Cell Stem Cell Cell Stem Cell 1934-5909 101 24.900 23.300 23.900
Cell Discovery Cell Discov 2056-5968 94 21.900 33.300 33.500
Trends in Cell Biology Trends Cell Biol 0962-8924 71 20.900 18.900 19.000
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles J Extracell Vesicles 2001-3078 105 20.600 15.300 16.000
Science Translational Medicine Sci Transl Med 1946-6234 308 19.000 16.900 17.100
Molecular Cell Mol Cell 1097-2765 293 18.400 15.400 16.000
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu Rev Cell Dev Bi 1081-0706 19 18.100 11.300 11.300
Protein & Cell Protein Cell 1674-800X 35 16.700 20.900 21.100
Nature Aging N/A 88 16.600 16.200 16.600
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Nat Struct Mol Biol 1545-9993 129 14.500 16.500 16.800
Trends in Molecular Medicine Trends Mol Med 1471-4914 75 14.500 13.600 13.600
Ageing Research Reviews Ageing Res Rev 1568-1637 221 14.500 12.800 13.100
Autophagy Autophagy 1554-8627 173 14.500 13.000 13.300
Cell Reports Medicine Cell Rep Med 2666-3791 175 14.300 14.100 14.300
Cell Death and Differentiation Cell Death Differ 1350-9047 178 13.300 12.200 12.400
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Csh Perspect Biol 1943-0264 78 13.100 7.100 7.200
Plant Cell Plant Cell 1040-4651 271 12.900 11.000 11.600
Developmental Cell Dev Cell 1534-5807 170 12.400 11.600 11.800
EMBO Journal Embo J 0261-4189 237 12.000 11.300 11.400
Genes & Development Gene Dev 0890-9369 60 11.700 10.300 10.500
Current Biology Curr Biol 0960-9822 510 11.000 9.000 9.200
Journal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci 1021-7770 105 10.900 10.900 11.000
Cell Systems Cell Syst 2405-4712 69 10.900 9.200 9.300
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Cytokine Growth F R 1359-6101 49 10.800 12.800 13.000
Cell Reports Cell Rep 2211-1247 1456 9.900 8.700 8.800
Matrix Biology Matrix Biol 0945-053X 87 9.700 6.600 6.900
Aging Cell Aging Cell 1474-9718 191 9.200 7.600 7.800
Cell Death & Disease Cell Death Dis 2041-4889 987 9.200 8.800 9.000
Journal of Cell Biology J Cell Biol 0021-9525 179 8.800 7.600 7.800
Oncogene Oncogene 0950-9232 389 8.800 7.900 8.000
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Cell Mol Life Sci 1420-682X 578 8.700 7.900 8.000
EMBO Reports Embo Rep 1469-221X 225 8.600 7.600 7.700
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-RNA Wires Rna 1757-7004 58 8.200 7.000 7.300
Cell Communication and Signaling Cell Commun Signal 1478-811X 192 8.000 8.400 8.400
Stem Cell Research & Therapy Stem Cell Res Ther 1757-6512 494 8.000 6.900 7.500
Science Signaling Sci Signal 1945-0877 98 7.800 7.300 7.300
Cell Proliferation Cell Proliferat 0960-7722 180 7.800 8.300 8.500
Current Opinion in Cell Biology Curr Opin Cell Biol 0955-0674 63 7.700 7.400 7.500
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology Semin Cell Dev Biol 1084-9521 210 7.700 7.200 7.300
Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews Tissue Eng Part B-Re 1937-3368 40 7.500 6.300 6.400
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters Cell Mol Biol Lett 1425-8153 103 7.200 7.200 8.300
Stem Cell Reports Stem Cell Rep 2213-6711 181 6.700 5.800 5.900

