

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Cancer Cell Cancer Cell 1535-6108 120 42.1006 47.9984 48.7992
Cell Cell 0092-8674 332 48.9998 45.0003 45.4993
Joule Joule 2542-4351 155 44.7994 38.0008 38.6008
Innovation Innovation 2666-6758 61 31.8008 32.9003 33.2000
Cell Metabolism Cell Metab 1550-4131 132 31.1994 27.3008 27.6999
Immunity Immunity 1074-7613 165 33.2000 24.9995 25.5005
Cell Host & Microbe Cell Host Microbe 1931-3128 133 22.1005 20.0992 20.6001
Cell Stem Cell Cell Stem Cell 1934-5909 97 22.6004 19.1993 19.7991
Chem Chem-Us 2451-9294 204 23.8009 18.8997 19.1005
Trends in Plant Science Trends Plant Sci 1360-1385 73 20.0992 17.0004 17.2996
Matter Matter-Us 2590-2393 209 18.8997 17.0004 17.2996
Molecular Plant Mol Plant 1674-2052 100 21.3993 16.4996 17.0997
Trends in Ecology & Evolution Trends Ecol Evol 0169-5347 77 18.1997 16.3001 16.7007
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Trends Cogn Sci 1364-6613 61 21.7995 16.3001 16.7007
One Earth One Earth 2590-3330 104 18.1003 14.7007 15.1004
Neuron Neuron 0896-6273 244 16.8994 14.1006 14.7007
Trends in Neurosciences Trends Neurosci 0166-2236 67 14.9998 14.5000 14.6001
Molecular Cell Mol Cell 1097-2765 279 16.6009 13.9002 14.5000
Trends in Biotechnology Trends Biotechnol 0167-7799 80 16.8008 13.9993 14.2994
Trends in Cancer Trends Cancer 2405-8025 66 17.0997 14.2006 14.2994
Trends in Microbiology Trends Microbiol 0966-842X 77 17.0004 13.9002 13.9993
Trends in Chemistry Trends Chem 2589-5974 59 17.7000 13.9002 13.9993
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Trends Pharmacol Sci 0165-6147 54 14.2994 13.7998 13.9002
Trends in Genetics Trends Genet 0168-9525 52 11.9008 13.6006 13.6006
Trends in Immunology Trends Immunol 1471-4906 66 15.9992 12.9994 13.0992
Trends in Cell Biology Trends Cell Biol 0962-8924 68 19.4999 12.9002 12.9994
Trends in Molecular Medicine Trends Mol Med 1471-4914 65 13.7000 12.6999 12.7998
Med Med-Cambridge 2666-6340 48 12.6005 12.6999 12.7998
Molecular Therapy Mol Ther 1525-0016 218 11.7994 11.7994 12.1005
Cell Reports Medicine Cell Rep Med 2666-3791 305 0.0000 11.6000 11.7002
Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 0968-0004 67 12.5001 11.2997 11.6000
Chem Catalysis Chem Catalysis 2667-1093 161 0.0000 11.2003 11.5003
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Trends Endocrin Met 1043-2760 53 12.3008 11.3997 11.3997
Developmental Cell Dev Cell 1534-5807 195 11.5003 10.5006 10.7004
Cell Systems Cell Syst 2405-4712 73 11.1000 8.8005 9.0002
American Journal of Human Genetics Am J Hum Genet 0002-9297 154 9.7004 7.8001 8.1000
Current Biology Curr Biol 0960-9822 526 9.8003 7.8001 8.1000
Cell Reports Physical Science Cell Rep Phys Sci 2666-3864 427 8.4001 7.7002 7.8996
Cell Reports Cell Rep 2211-1247 1544 8.4997 7.3003 7.4996
Trends in Parasitology Trends Parasitol 1471-4922 68 8.1000 6.7000 6.9997
Patterns Patterns 2666-3899 115 6.6002 6.5005 6.7000
Cell Chemical Biology Cell Chem Biol 2451-9448 114 8.1996 6.3996 6.6002
Stem Cell Reports Stem Cell Rep 2213-6711 163 5.9003 5.8000 5.9003
iScience Iscience 2589-0042 2741 5.0002 4.5003 4.6000
Structure Structure 0969-2126 135 4.2997 4.2997 4.3997
Cell Reports Methods Cell Rep Methods 2667-2375 183 4.2997 4.1998 4.2997
Heliyon Heliyon 2405-8440 11031 3.9003 3.1999 3.4000
Biophysical Journal Biophys J 0006-3495 363 3.1999 2.9997 3.1999
Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids [更名/剔除] Mol Ther-Nucl Acids 2162-2531 264 8.4001 8.6999 8.8005
Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics [更名/剔除] Mol Ther-Oncolytics 2372-7705 144 5.5999 5.5002 5.6998

