

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Lancet Gastroenterol 2468-1253 70 29.6011 30.4005 30.9000
Gastroenterology Gastroenterology 0016-5085 165 25.2001 25.0997 25.7011
Lancet HIV Lancet Hiv 2352-3018 64 11.7994 12.2004 12.7998
Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental Metabolism 0026-0495 127 10.6002 10.2000 10.7997
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Am J Kidney Dis 0272-6386 122 9.4998 9.1005 9.4006
Government Information Quarterly Gov Inform Q 0740-624X 91 9.2994 6.6002 7.8001
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cell Mol Gastroenter 2352-345X 112 7.8996 6.9997 7.1000
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Infect Dis Clin N Am 0891-5520 45 6.2998 6.1004 6.1004
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases Prog Cardiovasc Dis 0033-0620 69 6.9002 4.9000 5.5999
Seminars in Hematology Semin Hematol 0037-1963 36 3.5000 4.9000 5.0002
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America Endocrin Metab Clin 0889-8529 50 5.2999 4.8003 4.8003
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism Semin Arthritis Rheu 0049-0172 138 4.9000 4.3997 4.6000
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine Semin Nucl Med 0001-2998 67 4.3997 4.3997 4.6000
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery Arthroscopy 0749-8063 211 4.2997 3.5000 4.3997
Ophthalmology Retina Ophthalmol Retina 2468-6530 114 4.2997 4.0998 4.3997
Comprehensive Psychiatry Compr Psychiat 0010-440X 76 4.7003 4.1998 4.2997
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice J Evid-Based Dent Pr 1532-3382 58 4.8003 3.1999 4.0998
Medical Clinics of North America Med Clin N Am 0025-7125 76 6.9002 3.8001 3.8001
Endocrine Practice Endocr Pract 1530-891X 131 3.5999 3.5999 3.7001
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Arch Phys Med Rehab 0003-9993 211 3.9003 3.4000 3.5999
Behavior Therapy Behav Ther 0005-7894 75 4.0998 3.3000 3.4000
Journal of Renal Nutrition J Renal Nutr 1051-2276 88 3.4000 2.8997 3.4000
Experimental Cell Research Exp Cell Res 0014-4827 233 3.3000 3.1999 3.3000
Seminars in Vascular Surgery Semin Vasc Surg 0895-7967 60 3.3000 3.1000 3.3000
Seminars in Perinatology Semin Perinatol 0146-0005 69 3.7001 3.1000 3.1999
Journal of Critical Care J Crit Care 0883-9441 146 3.1999 3.1000 3.1999
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine Clin Geriatr Med 0749-0690 44 4.6000 3.1000 3.1000
Sleep Medicine Clinics Sleep Med Clin 1556-407X 47 3.9003 2.9997 3.1000
Seminars in Oncology Semin Oncol 0093-7754 23 4.0998 2.8997 2.9997
Critical Care Clinics Crit Care Clin 0749-0704 48 3.5999 2.9997 2.9997
Pet Clinics Pet Clin 1556-8598 45 2.7001 2.9997 2.9997
Clinics in Liver Disease Clin Liver Dis 1089-3261 65 4.1998 2.8997 2.8997
Gastroenterology Clinics of North America Gastroenterol Clin N 0889-8553 52 3.7001 2.8002 2.8997
Clinics in Perinatology Clin Perinatol 0095-5108 53 3.3000 2.8997 2.8997
Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology Semin Diagn Pathol 0740-2570 42 3.3000 2.8997 2.8997
Clinics in Chest Medicine Clin Chest Med 0272-5231 55 4.2997 2.8002 2.8002
Seminars in Nephrology Semin Nephrol 0270-9295 65 4.3997 2.7001 2.8002
Journal of Professional Nursing J Prof Nurs 8755-7223 122 2.7001 2.5000 2.8002
Transfusion Medicine Reviews Transfus Med Rev 0887-7963 29 4.3997 2.6002 2.7001
Human Pathology Hum Pathol 0046-8177 171 2.7001 2.5000 2.7001
Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America Immunol Allergy Clin 0889-8561 60 3.1000 2.6002 2.7001
American Journal of Emergency Medicine Am J Emerg Med 0735-6757 427 2.6002 2.6002 2.7001
Applied Nursing Research Appl Nurs Res 0897-1897 47 2.7001 2.6002 2.7001
Prostate International Prostate Int 2287-8882 36 2.6002 1.9002 2.7001
Infection Disease & Health Infect Dis Health 2468-0451 35 2.7001 2.6002 2.7001
Seminars in Radiation Oncology Semin Radiat Oncol 1053-4296 46 4.2997 2.6002 2.6002
Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Rheum Dis Clin N Am 0889-857X 59 2.7001 2.6002 2.6002
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America Obstet Gyn Clin N Am 0889-8545 53 3.9003 2.6002 2.6002
Cardiology Clinics Cardiol Clin 0733-8651 50 2.3000 2.6002 2.6002
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Semin Thorac Cardiov 1043-0679 75 2.2000 2.5000 2.6002

