

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Geology Geology 0091-7613 200 5.1000 4.7003 4.8003
Geological Society of America Bulletin Geol Soc Am Bull 0016-7606 182 4.0998 3.5999 3.9003
Marine and Petroleum Geology Mar Petrol Geol 0264-8172 446 4.2997 3.1000 3.7001
Chemical Geology Chem Geol 0009-2541 374 3.9003 3.3000 3.5999
Journal of Metamorphic Geology J Metamorph Geol 0263-4929 37 4.0000 3.1000 3.5000
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition Acta Geol Sin-Engl 1000-9515 141 3.1999 2.9997 3.5000
Ore Geology Reviews Ore Geol Rev 0169-1368 473 3.5999 2.4002 3.1999
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Permafrost Periglac 1045-6740 30 4.3997 2.8002 2.9997
Sedimentary Geology Sediment Geol 0037-0738 118 2.8997 2.5000 2.7001
Journal of the Geological Society J Geol Soc London 0016-7649 90 2.8002 2.5000 2.6002
Sedimentology Sedimentology 0037-0746 85 3.3000 2.4002 2.6002
Journal of Structural Geology J Struct Geol 0191-8141 146 2.8002 2.1001 2.6002
Newsletters on Stratigraphy Newsl Stratigr 0078-0421 17 2.3000 1.9002 2.1001
International Geology Review Int Geol Rev 0020-6814 139 2.7001 1.9999 2.1001
Journal of Sedimentary Research J Sediment Res 1527-1404 48 2.2000 1.7998 1.9999
Geus Bulletin Geus B 2597-2154 17 1.7998 1.7001 1.9999
Cretaceous Research Cretaceous Res 0195-6671 251 1.7998 1.4000 1.9002
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics New Zeal J Geol Geop 0028-8306 33 1.7001 1.6000 1.9002
Depositional Record Depos Rec 2055-4877 41 2.3000 1.7998 1.9002
Lithosphere Lithosphere-Us 1941-8264 50 1.9999 1.7998 1.7998
Facies Facies 0172-9179 18 1.9999 1.7001 1.7998
Journal of Petroleum Geology J Petrol Geol 0141-6421 18 1.9002 1.6000 1.7998
Acta Petrologica Sinica Acta Petrol Sin 1000-0569 216 1.9002 1.2001 1.7001
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia Riv Ital Paleontol S 0035-6883 28 1.7001 1.4999 1.6000
Journal of Geology J Geol 0022-1376 5 1.7998 1.4999 1.4999
Palaios Palaios 0883-1351 26 1.7001 1.4000 1.4999
Carnets de Geologie Carnets Geol 1634-0744 9 1.1001 1.4000 1.4999
Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography Geogr Ann A 0435-3676 3 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000
Geologica Acta Geol Acta 1695-6133 11 1.7998 1.3000 1.3000
Journal of Iberian Geology J Iber Geol 1698-6180 22 1.3000 1.2001 1.3000
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland B Geol Soc Finland 0367-5211 8 0.9000 1.0000 1.3000
Brazilian Journal of Geology Braz J Geol 2317-4889 26 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
E&g Quaternary Science Journal E G Quatern Sci J 0424-7116 13 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
Ofioliti Ofioliti 0391-2612 10 1.2001 1.1001 1.2001
Geofluids Geofluids 1468-8115 238 1.4000 1.1001 1.2001
Russian Geology and Geophysics Russ Geol Geophys+ 1068-7971 108 1.1001 1.0000 1.2001
Gff Gff 1103-5897 11 1.6000 1.1001 1.2001
Geologica Belgica Geol Belg 1374-8505 9 1.0000 1.1001 1.2001
South African Journal of Geology S Afr J Geol 1012-0750 26 1.3000 1.1001 1.2001
Journal of the Geological Society of India J Geol Soc India 0016-7622 168 1.4000 1.1001 1.2001
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae Ann Soc Geol Pol 0208-9068 20 1.2001 1.0000 1.2001
Atlantic Geology Atl Geol 0843-5561 8 1.2001 1.0000 1.2001
Geological Field Trips and Maps Geol Field Trips Map 2611-6189 23 0.8000 1.2001 1.2001
Acta Geologica Polonica Acta Geol Pol 0001-5709 36 0.9000 0.9000 1.1001
Resource Geology Resour Geol 1344-1698 18 1.2001 1.1001 1.1001
Carbonates and Evaporites Carbonate Evaporite 0891-2556 82 1.4999 1.0000 1.1001
Himalayan Geology Himal Geol 0971-8966 21 1.1001 0.9000 1.1001
Geologia Croatica Geol Croat 1330-030X 11 1.0000 1.1001 1.1001
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation Stratigr Geo Correl+ 0869-5938 43 1.1001 0.7000 1.0000
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark B Geol Soc Denmark 2245-7070 9 1.4000 0.5999 1.0000

