

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Trends in Ecology & Evolution Trends Ecol Evol 0169-5347 77 18.1997 16.3001 16.7007
Molecular Therapy Mol Ther 1525-0016 218 11.7994 11.7994 12.1005
Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol 0737-4038 273 14.5000 10.7004 11.0003
Genome Biology Genome Biol 1474-760X 273 16.4996 9.8003 10.1001
Genes & Development Gene Dev 0890-9369 46 10.5006 7.4001 7.4996
Oncogene Oncogene 0950-9232 266 7.4996 6.7996 6.9002
Genes & Diseases Genes Dis 2352-4820 153 7.2002 6.7000 6.9002
Journal of Genetics and Genomics J Genet Genomics 1673-8527 75 5.8000 6.3996 6.6002
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews Biotechnol Genet Eng 0264-8725 282 5.5999 5.9998 6.5005
Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research Mutat Res-Rev Mutat 1383-5742 20 6.3996 6.2998 6.3996
Genome Research Genome Res 1088-9051 132 8.4001 6.1004 6.2001
Gene Therapy Gene Ther 0969-7128 44 4.2997 4.3997 4.6000
Human Gene Therapy Hum Gene Ther 1043-0342 101 5.8000 3.5999 3.9003
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion 1567-7249 65 4.1998 3.7001 3.9003
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development Curr Opin Genet Dev 0959-437X 80 4.0998 3.5999 3.7001
European Journal of Human Genetics Eur J Hum Genet 1018-4813 160 4.0998 3.1999 3.7001
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Mol Phylogenet Evol 1055-7903 207 3.8001 3.1999 3.5999
Non-Coding RNA Non-Coding Rna 2311-553X 70 0.0000 3.5000 3.5999
BMC Genomics Bmc Genomics 1471-2164 762 4.0998 3.4000 3.5000
Genomics Genomics 0888-7543 176 3.5000 3.4000 3.4000
Journal of Gene Medicine J Gene Med 1099-498X 161 3.1000 3.1000 3.1999
Genome Biology and Evolution Genome Biol Evol 1759-6653 224 3.1999 2.9997 3.1999
Human Molecular Genetics Hum Mol Genet 0964-6906 185 4.1998 2.9997 3.1000
Evolution Evolution 0014-3820 241 3.4000 2.8002 3.1000
Heredity Heredity 0018-067X 76 3.3000 3.1000 3.1000
Journal of Heredity J Hered 0022-1503 80 2.8002 2.6002 2.9997
Epigenetics Epigenetics-Us 1559-2294 101 4.2997 2.8002 2.8997
Mammalian Genome Mamm Genome 0938-8990 43 2.6002 2.5000 2.7001
Evolution & Development Evol Dev 1520-541X 32 2.5000 2.6002 2.6002
DNA and Cell Biology Dna Cell Biol 1044-5498 72 3.5999 2.5000 2.6002
International Journal of Genomics Int J Genomics 2314-436X 32 2.6002 2.6002 2.6002
Chromosoma Chromosoma 0009-5915 26 3.7001 2.5000 2.5000
Physiological Genomics Physiol Genomics 1094-8341 50 3.5000 2.5000 2.5000
Briefings in Functional Genomics Brief Funct Genomics 2041-2649 61 3.4000 2.5000 2.5000
Chromosome Research Chromosome Res 0967-3849 35 3.1999 2.4002 2.4002
Genesis Genesis 1526-954X 35 2.1001 2.4002 2.4002
Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Mutat Res-Gen Tox En 1383-5718 63 2.5000 2.2000 2.3000
Molecular Genetics and Genomics Mol Genet Genomics 1617-4615 93 2.5000 2.3000 2.3000
Genome Genome 0831-2796 36 2.1001 2.2000 2.3000
Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology Omics 1536-2310 50 3.3000 1.9002 2.2000
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics Comp Biochem Phys D 1744-117X 96 2.5000 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Evolutionary Biology J Evolution Biol 1010-061X 110 2.2000 1.9999 2.1001
Journal of Molecular Evolution J Mol Evol 0022-2844 63 2.7001 1.9002 2.1001
Biochemical Genetics Biochem Genet 0006-2928 273 1.9999 1.9999 2.1001
Journal of Applied Genetics J Appl Genet 1234-1983 72 2.4002 1.9002 1.9999
Current Genomics Curr Genomics 1389-2029 28 2.4002 1.7001 1.7998
Evolutionary Ecology Evol Ecol 0269-7653 58 1.7998 1.6000 1.7998
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics Pharmacogenet Genom 1744-6872 23 1.7998 1.6000 1.7001
Cytogenetic and Genome Research Cytogenet Genome Res 1424-8581 53 1.4999 1.6000 1.7001
Genetics and Molecular Biology Genet Mol Biol 1415-4757 78 1.7001 1.7001 1.7001

