

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Frontiers in Endocrinology Front Endocrinol 1664-2392 3013 4.9000 3.5999 3.9003
World Allergy Organization Journal World Allergy Organ 1939-4551 111 4.7003 3.8001 3.9003
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Ann Phys Rehabil Med 1877-0657 37 4.8003 3.8001 3.9003
European Heart Journal-Acute Cardiovascular Care Eur Heart J-Acute Ca 2048-8726 79 3.8001 3.5999 3.9003
Clinical Kidney Journal Clin Kidney J 2048-8505 204 3.8001 3.7001 3.9003
World Journal of Psychiatry World J Psychiatr 2220-3206 116 3.7001 3.8001 3.9003
Neurology and Therapy Neurol Ther 2193-8253 106 4.3997 3.7001 3.9003
Current Opinion in Lipidology Curr Opin Lipidol 0957-9672 37 3.9003 3.7001 3.8001
Endocrinology Endocrinology 0013-7227 176 4.2997 3.7001 3.8001
Journal of the American College of Surgeons J Am Coll Surgeons 1072-7515 204 4.3997 3.5999 3.8001
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Mol Cell Endocrinol 0303-7207 142 3.7001 3.7001 3.8001
Journal of Dermatological Science J Dermatol Sci 0923-1811 61 4.2997 3.8001 3.8001
Clinical Research in Cardiology Clin Res Cardiol 1861-0684 183 3.9003 3.5999 3.8001
Sleep Medicine Sleep Med 1389-9457 343 4.0000 3.5999 3.8001
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Dev Med Child Neurol 0012-1622 161 4.7003 3.3000 3.8001
Medical Clinics of North America Med Clin N Am 0025-7125 76 6.9002 3.8001 3.8001
Health & Place Health Place 1353-8292 166 4.6000 3.5999 3.8001
Joint Bone Spine Joint Bone Spine 1297-319X 67 3.9003 3.5999 3.8001
Current Treatment Options in Oncology Curr Treat Option On 1527-2729 114 4.5003 3.8001 3.8001
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Clin Chem Lab Med 1434-6621 261 3.9003 2.9997 3.8001
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Ieee T Biomed Circ S 1932-4545 103 4.8003 3.4000 3.8001
Ultrasonics Ultrasonics 0041-624X 251 3.7001 2.9997 3.8001
Journal of Advanced Nursing J Adv Nurs 0309-2402 432 4.0998 3.4000 3.8001
Viruses-Basel Viruses-Basel 1999-4915 2374 4.0000 3.4000 3.8001
Journal of Ovarian Research J Ovarian Res 1757-2215 221 4.1998 3.7001 3.8001
Translational Stroke Research Transl Stroke Res 1868-4483 100 5.1000 3.5999 3.8001
Stem Cells International Stem Cells Int 1687-966X 109 4.2997 3.8001 3.8001
Journal of Intensive Care J Intensive Care 2052-0492 59 4.6000 3.5999 3.8001
Neurospine Neurospine 2586-6583 129 3.9003 2.6002 3.8001
Neurobiology of Aging Neurobiol Aging 0197-4580 190 4.0998 3.5000 3.7001
American Heart Journal Am Heart J 0002-8703 179 3.5999 3.5999 3.7001
Arthritis Care & Research Arthrit Care Res 2151-464X 195 4.1998 3.5000 3.7001
Journal of Nutrition J Nutr 0022-3166 334 4.2997 3.4000 3.7001
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention Cancer Epidem Biomar 1055-9965 195 4.1998 3.5999 3.7001
Journal of Psychiatric Research J Psychiatr Res 0022-3956 473 4.2997 3.5999 3.7001
International Journal for Parasitology Int J Parasitol 0020-7519 69 3.5000 3.5000 3.7001
American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology Am J Physiol-Renal 1931-857X 118 3.9003 3.3000 3.7001
BJU International Bju Int 1464-4096 167 4.5003 3.5000 3.7001
Psychology and Aging Psychol Aging 0882-7974 64 3.7001 3.1999 3.7001
British Journal of Ophthalmology Brit J Ophthalmol 0007-1161 151 3.9003 3.7001 3.7001
Cytotherapy Cytotherapy 1465-3249 134 4.2997 3.4000 3.7001
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment J Subst Abuse Treat 0740-5472 3 3.8001 3.7001 3.7001
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Clin Implant Dent R 1523-0899 108 4.6000 3.3000 3.7001
Journal of Neural Engineering J Neural Eng 1741-2560 285 5.0002 3.3000 3.7001
Cellular Immunology Cell Immunol 0008-8749 61 4.0998 3.5999 3.7001
Reproductive Biomedicine Online Reprod Biomed Online 1472-6483 215 4.0000 3.5000 3.7001
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Arch Pathol Lab Med 0003-9985 146 4.0998 3.5999 3.7001
International Journal of Medical Informatics Int J Med Inform 1386-5056 241 4.6000 3.5000 3.7001
Addictive Behaviors Addict Behav 0306-4603 246 3.8001 3.4000 3.7001
Journal of Epidemiology J Epidemiol 0917-5040 94 3.5000 3.5000 3.7001

