

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 1040-872X 75 2.3000 2.2000 2.2000
Gait & Posture Gait Posture 0966-6362 306 2.7001 1.9999 2.2000
International Journal of Clinical Practice Int J Clin Pract 1368-5031 107 2.4002 2.2000 2.2000
Exceptional Children Except Children 0014-4029 18 3.7001 2.1001 2.2000
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured Injury 0020-1383 627 2.5000 1.9999 2.2000
Synthesis-Stuttgart Synthesis-Stuttgart 0039-7881 397 2.3000 2.1001 2.2000
COPD-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Copd 1541-2555 34 2.4002 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Palliative Medicine J Palliat Med 1096-6218 171 3.4000 1.9002 2.2000
Journal of Environmental Quality J Environ Qual 0047-2425 85 2.7001 1.9999 2.2000
Biocontrol Biocontrol 1386-6141 60 2.8997 2.1001 2.2000
Oryx Oryx 0030-6053 71 2.4002 1.9999 2.2000
Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology Best Pract Res Cl Ha 1521-6926 49 2.3000 2.2000 2.2000
Terra Nova Terra Nova 0954-4879 63 2.4002 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research J Speech Lang Hear R 1092-4388 294 2.6002 1.7998 2.2000
Journal of Virological Methods J Virol Methods 0166-0934 108 1.9999 2.2000 2.2000
BMC Nephrology Bmc Nephrol 1471-2369 377 2.6002 2.1001 2.2000
Laryngoscope Laryngoscope 0023-852X 602 2.6002 1.9999 2.2000
Quantum Information Processing Quantum Inf Process 1570-0755 411 2.1001 1.7001 2.2000
Preventive Veterinary Medicine Prev Vet Med 0167-5877 183 2.5000 1.9999 2.2000
Episodes Episodes 0705-3797 42 2.3000 2.1001 2.2000
Fems Microbiology Letters Fems Microbiol Lett 0378-1097 127 2.6002 2.1001 2.2000
Communications in Mathematical Physics Commun Math Phys 0010-3616 254 2.3000 2.1001 2.2000
Environmental Conservation Environ Conserv 0376-8929 32 2.9997 2.1001 2.2000
Operations Research Oper Res 0030-364X 173 3.1999 1.9999 2.2000
Mathematical Programming Math Program 0025-5610 114 3.3000 2.1001 2.2000
Memory Memory 0965-8211 96 2.4002 1.9999 2.2000
Hydrobiologia Hydrobiologia 0018-8158 306 2.5000 1.9002 2.2000
Apmis Apmis 0903-4641 73 2.5000 2.1001 2.2000
Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology Omics 1536-2310 50 3.3000 1.9002 2.2000
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Bmc Musculoskel Dis 1471-2474 959 2.6002 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Coordination Chemistry J Coord Chem 0095-8972 142 1.9002 1.9999 2.2000
Human Nature-An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective Hum Nature-Int Bios 1045-6767 27 2.5000 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Conflict Resolution J Conflict Resolut 0022-0027 98 3.8001 1.9002 2.2000
Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung Psychol Res-Psych Fo 0340-0727 118 2.3000 2.1001 2.2000
Geomicrobiology Journal Geomicrobiol J 0149-0451 71 2.4002 1.9002 2.2000
Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment J Stat Mech-Theory E 1742-5468 188 1.9002 1.9002 2.2000
Forensic Science International Forensic Sci Int 0379-0738 227 2.3000 1.9999 2.2000
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics Comp Biochem Phys D 1744-117X 96 2.5000 2.1001 2.2000
Memory & Cognition Mem Cognition 0090-502X 115 2.4002 1.9999 2.2000
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Siam J Math Anal 0036-1410 226 2.3000 1.9999 2.2000
Nursing Research Nurs Res 0029-6562 63 2.6002 2.2000 2.2000
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Am J Phys Med Rehab 0894-9115 195 2.4002 1.9999 2.2000
JASSS-the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Jasss-J Artif Soc S 1460-7425 42 2.7001 1.9002 2.2000
Applied Spectroscopy Appl Spectrosc 0003-7028 100 2.8997 2.1001 2.2000
Animal Reproduction Science Anim Reprod Sci 0378-4320 105 2.1001 1.9999 2.2000
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Metall Mater Trans A 1073-5623 329 2.6002 1.9999 2.2000
Artificial Organs Artif Organs 0160-564X 143 2.3000 2.1001 2.2000
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics J Pharmacokinet Phar 1567-567X 45 2.4002 1.9002 2.2000
Drugs in R&d Drugs R&d 1174-5886 37 2.4002 2.1001 2.2000
Accounting Horizons Account Horiz 0888-7993 40 3.1999 2.1001 2.2000

