

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid ↑
Nature Chemical Biology Nat Chem Biol 1552-4450 148 15.6006 14.6001 14.8000
Nature Protocols Nat Protoc 1754-2189 142 16.8994 14.7007 14.8000
npj Flexible Electronics Npj Flex Electron 2397-4621 100 14.1006 13.9002 14.6001
Nature Astronomy Nat Astron 2397-3366 148 13.1995 13.7000 14.1006
npj Clean Water Npj Clean Water 2059-7037 64 13.7000 11.1000 11.3997
Scientific Data Sci Data 2052-4463 761 10.7997 9.4006 9.8003
Npg Asia Materials Npg Asia Mater 1884-4049 95 10.5006 9.5998 9.7004
npj Computational Materials Npj Comput Mater 2057-3960 252 12.3008 9.2003 9.7004
npj 2D Materials and Applications Npj 2d Mater Appl 2397-7132 87 11.0003 9.4998 9.7004
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes Npj Biofilms Microbi 2055-5008 99 9.4006 8.9006 9.2003
npj Vaccines Npj Vaccines 2059-0105 163 8.4997 8.8005 9.2003
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science Npj Clim Atmos Sci 2397-3722 100 10.2000 8.6999 9.0002
npj Parkinsons Disease Npj Parkinsons Dis 2373-8057 165 9.1005 8.1996 8.6999
npj Precision Oncology Npj Precis Oncol 2397-768X 94 9.0002 7.8001 7.8996
npj Quantum Information Npj Quantum Inform 2056-6387 142 9.1005 7.3003 7.6001
npj Regenerative Medicine Npj Regen Med 2057-3995 74 9.2003 7.1000 7.2002
Lab Animal Lab Animal 0093-7355 11 9.9995 6.7000 6.9002
npj Science of Food Npj Sci Food 2396-8370 57 8.3001 6.2998 6.3996
npj Breast Cancer Npj Breast Cancer 2374-4677 125 6.5005 5.8000 5.9003
Communications Chemistry Commun Chem 2399-3669 167 6.2998 5.8000 5.9003
Communications Biology Commun Biol 2399-3642 1305 6.2998 5.8000 5.9003
npj Quantum Materials Npj Quantum Mater 2397-4648 118 6.2998 5.5002 5.6998
Communications Physics Commun Phys-Uk 2399-3650 326 6.1004 5.2999 5.5002
npj Genomic Medicine Npj Genom Med 2056-7944 72 5.9998 5.2002 5.2999
npj Microgravity Npj Microgravity 2373-8065 58 4.9000 4.7003 5.1000
npj Materials Degradation Npj Mat Degrad 2397-2106 94 7.4996 4.7003 5.1000
Scientific Reports Sci Rep-Uk 2045-2322 21127 4.9000 4.3997 4.6000
npj Science of Learning Npj Sci Learn 2056-7936 30 5.3999 3.9003 4.1998
npj Systems Biology and Applications Npj Syst Biol Appl 2056-7189 49 4.2997 4.0000 4.0000
npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine Npj Prim Care Resp M 2055-1010 56 3.1999 2.8997 3.1000
Schizophrenia Null 2754-6993 111 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

