

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 非自引分 - IFoid -
Angiogenesis Angiogenesis 0969-6970 33 9.2003 9.0002 9.8003
Cell Death & Disease Cell Death Dis 2041-4889 987 9.2003 8.8005 9.0002
Journal of International Business Policy J Int Bus Policy 2522-0691 21 9.2003 7.2002 7.8996
Topics in Current Chemistry Topics Curr Chem 2365-0869 54 8.9006 8.4997 8.6000
Current Psychiatry Reports Curr Psychiat Rep 1523-3812 91 8.9006 6.5005 6.7000
Oncogene Oncogene 0950-9232 389 8.8005 7.8996 8.0000
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Cell Mol Life Sci 1420-682X 578 8.6999 7.8996 8.0000
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur J Nucl Med Mol I 1619-7070 318 8.6999 8.1996 9.1005
Basic Research in Cardiology Basic Res Cardiol 0300-8428 56 8.4997 9.0002 9.4998
British Journal of Cancer Brit J Cancer 0007-0920 400 8.4001 8.6999 8.8005
Journal of Business Ethics J Bus Ethics 0167-4544 284 8.1000 5.5002 6.1004
Engineering With Computers Eng Comput-Germany 0177-0667 213 8.1000 8.4997 8.6999
Neuropsychology Review Neuropsychol Rev 1040-7308 37 8.0000 5.6998 5.8000
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Clin Child Fam Psych 1096-4037 42 8.0000 6.6002 6.9002
Neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmacol 0893-133X 197 7.8996 7.4001 7.6001
Electronic Markets Electron Mark 1019-6781 83 7.8996 7.2002 8.4997
Operations Management Research Oper Manage Res 1936-9735 115 7.8996 6.9002 9.0002
Communications Earth & Environment Commun Earth Environ 2662-4435 303 7.8996 7.7002 7.8996
Journal of Clinical Immunology J Clin Immunol 0271-9142 140 7.8001 8.1996 9.1005
Communications Materials Commun Mater 2662-4443 100 7.8001 7.7002 7.8001
Behavior Research Methods Behav Res Methods 1554-351X 280 7.7002 4.9000 5.3999
Phytochemistry Reviews Phytochem Rev 1568-7767 59 7.7002 7.4996 7.7002
Exposure and Health Expos Health 2451-9766 78 7.7002 6.1004 6.7000
Microsystems & Nanoengineering Microsyst Nanoeng 2055-7434 133 7.7002 7.6001 7.8996
Current Pollution Reports Curr Pollut Rep 2198-6592 37 7.7002 7.2002 7.3003
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems Prot Contr Mod Pow 2367-2617 51 7.7002 10.1001 11.0003
Bio-Design and Manufacturing Bio-Des Manuf 2096-5524 49 7.6001 7.3003 7.8996
Neurotherapeutics Neurotherapeutics 1933-7213 144 7.4996 5.5002 5.6998
Gastric Cancer Gastric Cancer 1436-3291 76 7.4996 7.2002 7.4001
Small Business Economics Small Bus Econ 0921-898X 127 7.4001 5.8000 6.3996
Sustainability Science Sustain Sci 1862-4065 162 7.4001 5.3999 5.9998
Friction Friction 2223-7690 115 7.4001 5.9003 6.7996
Financial Innovation Financ Innov 2199-4730 90 7.3003 7.4001 8.4001
Progress in Biomaterials Prog Biomater 2194-0509 37 7.3003 4.7003 4.9000
Hepatology International Hepatol Int 1936-0533 151 7.1000 6.3996 6.6002
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Rev Environ Contam T 0179-5953 22 7.1000 5.9998 5.9998
Journal of Business and Psychology J Bus Psychol 0889-3268 81 7.1000 4.6000 4.8003
Food Engineering Reviews Food Eng Rev 1866-7910 28 7.1000 6.5005 6.6002
Landslides Landslides 1612-510X 204 6.9997 5.6998 6.7000
Translational Psychiatry Transl Psychiat 2158-3188 498 6.9997 6.6002 6.7996
International Journal of Stem Education Int J Stem Educ 2196-7822 65 6.9997 5.9003 6.7000
Biology and Fertility of Soils Biol Fert Soils 0178-2762 72 6.9002 5.8000 6.5005
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Rock Mech Rock Eng 0723-2632 466 6.9002 5.5002 6.2001
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing J Intell Manuf 0956-5515 189 6.9002 7.4996 8.3001
Journal of Gastroenterology J Gastroenterol 0944-1174 93 6.7996 6.2001 6.2998
Oncogenesis Oncogenesis 2157-9024 61 6.7996 6.2001 6.2001
Annals of Intensive Care Ann Intensive Care 2110-5820 106 6.7996 7.8001 8.1000
Surveys in Geophysics Surv Geophys 0169-3298 63 6.6002 4.0998 4.6000
Environmental Sciences Europe Environ Sci Eur 2190-4707 120 6.6002 5.8000 5.9003
Cell Death Discovery Cell Death Discov 2058-7716 479 6.6002 6.9002 6.9997

