

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Pharmacological Research Pharmacol Res 1043-6618 329 9.0002 8.9006 9.1005
Journal of Travel Medicine J Travel Med 1195-1982 80 9.8003 7.8001 9.1005
Journal of Internal Medicine J Intern Med 0954-6820 105 10.5006 8.9006 9.0002
Reviews in Medical Virology Rev Med Virol 1052-9276 74 8.8005 8.9006 9.0002
Journal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci 1021-7770 92 10.7004 8.9006 9.0002
European Respiratory Review Eur Respir Rev 0905-9180 91 9.4998 8.8005 9.0002
American Journal of Transplantation Am J Transplant 1600-6135 176 6.7000 8.4997 8.9006
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Ieee T Med Imaging 0278-0062 307 11.2997 8.4001 8.9006
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Cochrane Db Syst Rev 1469-493X 296 9.8996 8.6000 8.8005
Critical Care Crit Care 1466-609X 338 10.4002 8.3001 8.8005
Brain Behavior and Immunity Brain Behav Immun 0889-1591 263 9.8003 8.4997 8.8005
Implementation Science Implement Sci 1748-5908 62 9.2003 8.1996 8.8005
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine J Roy Soc Med 0141-0768 35 9.9995 8.6000 8.8005
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Am J Obstet Gynecol 0002-9378 302 8.8005 8.1000 8.6999
Archivos de Bronconeumologia Arch Bronconeumol 0300-2896 43 5.6998 7.8001 8.6999
Materials Today Bio Mater Today Bio 2590-0064 377 8.8005 8.3001 8.6999
British Journal of Surgery Brit J Surg 0007-1323 189 8.6000 8.0000 8.6000
Health Affairs Health Affair 0278-2715 153 7.7002 8.3001 8.6000
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology Am J Clin Dermatol 1175-0561 72 7.8001 8.3001 8.6000
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephro 1555-9041 166 8.6000 8.1000 8.4997
Bulletin of the World Health Organization B World Health Organ 0042-9686 68 9.8996 8.3001 8.4001
Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology Clin Rev Allerg Immu 1080-0549 18 10.2000 8.4001 8.4001
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology J Eur Acad Dermatol 0926-9959 290 7.1000 7.6001 8.4001
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Eur J Prev Cardiol 2047-4873 203 7.1000 7.6001 8.4001
Emerging Microbes & Infections Emerg Microbes Infec 2222-1751 227 8.3001 8.1996 8.4001
JACC-Basic to Translational Science Jacc-Basic Transl Sc 2452-302X 90 8.6999 8.1000 8.4001
European Urology Oncology Eur Urol Oncol 2588-9311 65 7.1000 8.0000 8.3001
Biofabrication Biofabrication 1758-5082 120 9.8003 7.8001 8.1996
Haematologica Haematologica 0390-6078 202 8.3001 8.0000 8.1996
Annual Review of Virology Annu Rev Virol 2327-056X 23 11.9008 8.1000 8.1000
Bio-Design and Manufacturing Bio-Des Manuf 2096-5524 35 7.7002 7.8996 8.1000
Biomaterials Research Biomater Res 1226-4601 129 0.0000 7.6001 8.1000
Obesity Reviews Obes Rev 1467-7881 125 9.9995 7.8001 8.0000
Advances in Nutrition Adv Nutr 2161-8313 113 10.6002 7.8001 8.0000
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health Qual Res Sport Exerc 2159-676X 38 11.6000 7.6001 8.0000
JACC-Clinical Electrophysiology Jacc-Clin Electrophy 2405-500X 180 7.4996 7.4001 8.0000
Journal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun 0896-8411 113 8.6999 7.8001 7.8996
Mucosal Immunology Mucosal Immunol 1933-0219 63 7.8996 7.7002 7.8996
Seminars in Immunopathology Semin Immunopathol 1863-2297 18 10.5006 7.8001 7.8996
Europace Europace 1099-5129 322 6.2998 5.9003 7.8996
Veterinary Quarterly Vet Quart 0165-2176 45 6.1004 7.8001 7.8996
Alzheimers Research & Therapy Alzheimers Res Ther 1758-9193 201 8.3001 7.7002 7.8996
Clinical and Translational Medicine Clin Transl Med 2001-1326 302 8.0000 7.8001 7.8996
Stroke Stroke 0039-2499 348 8.1996 7.3003 7.8001
Circulation-Heart Failure Circ-Heart Fail 1941-3289 91 9.7004 7.7002 7.8001
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine Csh Perspect Med 2157-1422 56 9.1005 7.7002 7.8001
JAMA Ophthalmology Jama Ophthalmol 2168-6165 93 7.4996 7.3003 7.8001
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews Cancer Metast Rev 0167-7659 71 10.3005 7.6001 7.7002
Critical Care Medicine Crit Care Med 0090-3493 157 7.4996 7.3003 7.7002
European Journal of Epidemiology Eur J Epidemiol 0393-2990 106 9.7004 7.6001 7.7002

