

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience J Psychiatr Neurosci 1180-4882 49 5.0002 4.0000 4.0998
General Hospital Psychiatry Gen Hosp Psychiat 0163-8343 115 4.7003 4.0000 4.0998
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Aust Nz J Psychiat 0004-8674 79 4.9000 3.7001 4.0000
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation Border Pers Dis Emot 2051-6673 36 4.5003 3.8001 4.0000
Drug and Alcohol Dependence Drug Alcohol Depen 0376-8716 323 4.0998 3.8001 3.9003
World Journal of Psychiatry World J Psychiatr 2220-3206 116 3.7001 3.8001 3.9003
BJPsych Open Bjpsych Open 2056-4724 202 4.0998 3.7001 3.9003
Asian Journal of Psychiatry Asian J Psychiatr 1876-2018 183 4.8003 2.8997 3.8001
Journal of Psychiatric Research J Psychiatr Res 0022-3956 473 4.2997 3.5999 3.7001
International Review of Psychiatry Int Rev Psychiatr 0954-0261 79 4.7003 3.5999 3.7001
Schizophrenia Research Schizophr Res 0920-9964 269 4.0000 3.1000 3.5999
Pharmacopsychiatry Pharmacopsychiatry 0176-3679 25 4.0000 3.5000 3.5999
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Soc Psych Psych Epid 0933-7954 184 4.5003 3.5000 3.5999
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Int J Geriatr Psych 0885-6230 164 3.9003 3.4000 3.5999
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Int J Ment Health Nu 1445-8330 139 4.2997 3.1000 3.5999
Annals of General Psychiatry Ann Gen Psychiatr 1744-859X 53 3.8001 3.5999 3.5999
Internet Interventions-the Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health Internet Interv 2214-7829 98 4.0000 3.3000 3.5999
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry Braz J Psychiat 1516-4446 53 4.2997 3.5999 3.5999
Schizophrenia Research and Treatment Schizophr Res Treat 2090-2085 1 2.1001 3.5999 3.5999
Psychopharmacology Psychopharmacology 0033-3158 201 3.5999 3.4000 3.5000
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Eur Arch Psy Clin N 0940-1334 173 4.0998 3.3000 3.5000
Journal of Psychosomatic Research J Psychosom Res 0022-3999 223 3.7001 3.1999 3.5000
Journal of Eating Disorders J Eat Disord 2050-2974 207 4.0000 2.9997 3.5000
Psychoneuroendocrinology Psychoneuroendocrino 0306-4530 187 4.0000 3.1999 3.4000
BMC Psychiatry Bmc Psychiatry 1471-244X 936 4.1998 3.1999 3.4000
CNS Spectrums Cns Spectrums 1092-8529 27 3.7001 3.4000 3.4000
Behavior Therapy Behav Ther 0005-7894 75 4.0998 3.3000 3.4000
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Child Adol Psych Men 1753-2000 130 4.3997 3.1999 3.4000
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Ther Adv Psychopharm 2045-1253 33 4.2997 3.3000 3.4000
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie Can J Psychiat 0706-7437 58 4.6000 3.1999 3.3000
Psychiatric Services Psychiat Serv 1075-2730 171 3.7001 3.1000 3.3000
Global Mental Health Glob Ment Health 2054-4251 0 3.3000 3.3000 3.3000
Archives of Womens Mental Health Arch Women Ment Hlth 1434-1816 112 4.0998 2.9997 3.1999
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Int J Ment Health Ad 1557-1874 223 4.7003 2.9997 3.1999
Frontiers in Psychiatry Front Psychiatry 1664-0640 2160 3.9003 2.8997 3.1999
International Journal of Mental Health Systems Int J Ment Health Sy 1752-4458 47 3.5999 3.1000 3.1000
Mindfulness Mindfulness 1868-8527 203 4.2997 2.4002 3.1000
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry World J Biol Psychia 1562-2975 35 3.3000 2.9997 2.9997
Stress and Health Stress Health 1532-3005 130 3.9003 2.8997 2.9997
Eating Disorders Eat Disord 1064-0266 28 3.1000 2.7001 2.9997
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia-Uk 2754-6993 94 2.9997 2.8997 2.9997
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology J Clin Psychopharm 0271-0749 61 2.9997 2.7001 2.8997
Psychosomatic Medicine Psychosom Med 0033-3174 90 3.7001 2.8002 2.8997
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology J Geriatr Psych Neur 0891-9887 45 3.1000 2.8002 2.8997
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity Eat Weight Disord-St 1124-4909 89 2.8997 2.7001 2.8997
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice Int J Psychiat Clin 1365-1501 18 2.9997 2.8997 2.8997
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry J Can Acad Child Ado 1719-8429 15 2.1001 2.8997 2.8997
European Addiction Research Eur Addict Res 1022-6877 42 2.9997 2.7001 2.8002
Aging & Mental Health Aging Ment Health 1360-7863 181 3.4000 2.7001 2.8002
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry Asia-Pac Psychiat 1758-5864 15 2.9997 2.8002 2.8002

