

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Molecular Autism Mol Autism 2040-2392 45 6.5005 6.1004 6.2998
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology J Anim Sci Biotechno 2049-1891 156 6.3996 6.1004 6.2998
Friction Friction 2223-7690 117 6.6002 5.6998 6.2998
International Journal of Bank Marketing Int J Bank Mark 0265-2323 89 6.2998 4.9000 6.2998
JCI Insight Jci Insight 2324-7703 504 7.4996 6.2001 6.2998
Journal of Water Process Engineering J Water Process Eng 2214-7144 1235 6.2998 5.6998 6.2998
Burns & Trauma Burns Trauma 2321-3868 56 6.7000 5.9998 6.2998
Communication Methods and Measures Commun Methods Meas 1931-2458 29 12.3008 5.2999 6.2998
Research in International Business and Finance Res Int Bus Financ 0275-5319 293 5.8000 5.3999 6.2998
Annual Review of Criminology Annu Rev Criminol 2572-4568 22 8.4997 6.1004 6.2998
Current Opinion in Psychology Curr Opin Psychol 2352-250X 166 7.2002 6.1004 6.2998
Systematic Reviews Syst Rev-London 2046-4053 223 4.5003 6.2001 6.2998
Borsa Istanbul Review Borsa Istanb Rev 2214-8450 119 6.5005 5.9003 6.2998
npj Science of Food Npj Sci Food 2396-8370 57 6.7996 6.1004 6.2998
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society Ieee Open J Comm Soc 2644-125X 164 6.9002 5.9998 6.2998
Information Technology & Tourism Inf Technol Tour 1098-3058 39 6.9002 5.8000 6.2998
Machine Learning-Science and Technology Mach Learn-Sci Techn 2632-2153 194 6.3996 5.9003 6.2998
Review of Communication Research Rev Commun Res 2255-4165 0 6.6002 6.2998 6.2998
Molecular Biomedicine Mol Biomed 2662-8651 41 6.2001 6.1004 6.2998
Smart Agricultural Technology Smart Agr Technol 2772-3755 316 6.2998 5.8000 6.2998
Genome Research Genome Res 1088-9051 132 8.4001 6.1004 6.2001
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit Rev Biochem Mol 1040-9238 11 8.6000 6.2001 6.2001
Diabetes Diabetes 0012-1797 152 7.1000 6.1004 6.2001
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Cell Mol Life Sci 1420-682X 359 7.7002 6.1004 6.2001
Plant Journal Plant J 0960-7412 482 7.1000 5.9003 6.2001
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology Semin Cell Dev Biol 1084-9521 170 6.9002 6.1004 6.2001
Pediatrics Pediatrics 0031-4005 437 7.1000 5.9003 6.2001
Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Circ-Cardiovasc Qual 1941-7705 69 8.3001 5.9998 6.2001
Journal of Organizational Behavior J Organ Behav 0894-3796 64 9.4006 5.9998 6.2001
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Ecotox Environ Safe 0147-6513 1353 6.2998 5.9003 6.2001
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Ieee T Automat Contr 0018-9286 758 6.6002 5.6998 6.2001
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Int Entrep Manag J 1554-7191 104 7.1000 5.3999 6.2001
Allergology International Allergol Int 1323-8930 60 6.6002 5.9003 6.2001
Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Escience Future Gener Comp Sy 0167-739X 380 5.9003 5.9003 6.2001
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Socio-Econ Plan Sci 0038-0121 294 5.9003 5.5002 6.2001
Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T J Mater Res Technol 2238-7854 3333 6.2998 5.3999 6.2001
Acta Neuropathologica Communications Acta Neuropathol Com 2051-5960 192 6.7996 5.9998 6.2001
Journal of Intellectual Capital J Intellect Cap 1469-1930 30 6.7996 5.5002 6.2001
Alexandria Engineering Journal Alex Eng J 1110-0168 916 5.5999 5.8000 6.2001
Chembioeng Reviews Chembioeng Rev 2196-9744 61 6.2001 5.9998 6.2001
Environmental Microbiome Environ Microbiome 2524-6372 82 7.1000 6.1004 6.2001
Immunotargets and Therapy Immunotargets Ther 2253-1556 13 8.1000 6.2001 6.2001
Current Research in Food Science Curr Res Food Sci 2665-9271 225 6.2001 5.9998 6.2001
Developments in the Built Environment Dev Built Environ 2666-1659 190 7.4996 5.5002 6.2001
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research Adv Energ Sust Res 2699-9412 139 6.1004 6.1004 6.2001
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications Carbohydr Polym Tech 2666-8939 129 6.2001 6.1004 6.2001
Digital Discovery Digit Discov 173 6.2001 5.2002 6.2001
Current Opinion in Structural Biology Curr Opin Struc Biol 0959-440X 172 5.9998 5.9003 6.1004
Systematic Biology Syst Biol 1063-5157 71 10.4002 5.5999 6.1004
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Mol Cell Proteomics 1535-9476 151 5.9998 5.8000 6.1004

