

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Opsearch [更名/剔除] Opsearch 0030-3887 94 1.6000 1.1001 1.4000
Tertiary Education and Management [更名/剔除] Tert Educ Manag 1358-3883 24 1.7998 1.4000 1.4000
Archival Science [更名/剔除] Arch Sci-Netherlands 1389-0166 18 1.7998 1.2001 1.4000
Psychological Studies [更名/剔除] Psychol Stud 0033-2968 71 1.4999 1.3000 1.4000
Egyptian Heart Journal [更名/剔除] Egypt Heart J 1110-2608 96 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000
Evolutionary Psychological Science [更名/剔除] Evol Psychol Sci 2198-9885 27 1.4000 1.2001 1.4000
Gender Issues [更名/剔除] Gend Issues 1098-092X 8 1.9999 1.4000 1.4000
Journal of Echocardiography [更名/剔除] J Echocardiogr 1349-0222 18 1.6000 1.4000 1.4000
Current Genetic Medicine Reports [更名/剔除] Curr Genet Med Rep 2167-4876 1 1.9002 1.4000 1.4000
Zeitschrift Fur Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft [更名/剔除] Z Vgl Politikwissens 1865-2646 31 1.0000 1.2001 1.4000
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work [更名/剔除] J Hum Rights Soc Wor 2365-1792 42 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000
Decisions in Economics and Finance [更名/剔除] Decis Econ Financ 1593-8883 38 1.1001 1.4000 1.4000
Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports [更名/剔除] Curr Emerg Hosp Me R 2167-4884 25 0.9000 1.4000 1.4000
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [更名/剔除] Com Appl Math Comput 2096-6385 99 0.0000 1.3000 1.4000
Genetica [更名/剔除] Genetica 0016-6707 25 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
Distributed Computing [更名/剔除] Distrib Comput 0178-2770 15 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty [更名/剔除] J Risk Uncertainty 0895-5646 18 3.1000 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of Statistical Physics [更名/剔除] J Stat Phys 0022-4715 195 1.4999 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment [更名/剔除] J Psychopathol Behav 0882-2689 97 1.9999 1.2001 1.3000
Childs Nervous System [更名/剔除] Child Nerv Syst 0256-7040 405 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Ornithology [更名/剔除] J Ornithol 2193-7192 94 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Oceanography [更名/剔除] J Oceanogr 0916-8370 31 1.7001 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision [更名/剔除] J Math Imaging Vis 0924-9907 30 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
Theory in Biosciences [更名/剔除] Theor Biosci 1431-7613 27 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
Primates [更名/剔除] Primates 0032-8332 48 1.6000 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Global Optimization [更名/剔除] J Global Optim 0925-5001 79 1.7998 1.2001 1.3000
Mathematische Annalen [更名/剔除] Math Ann 0025-5831 216 1.4999 1.2001 1.3000
Optimization Letters [更名/剔除] Optim Lett 1862-4472 121 1.4000 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of Evolutionary Economics [更名/剔除] J Evol Econ 0936-9937 38 2.2000 1.3000 1.3000
QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics [更名/剔除] Qme-Quant Mark Econ 1570-7156 15 1.6000 1.3000 1.3000
Journal of Iberian Geology [更名/剔除] J Iber Geol 1698-6180 22 1.3000 1.2001 1.3000
Letters in Mathematical Physics [更名/剔除] Lett Math Phys 0377-9017 128 1.2001 1.3000 1.3000
Astrophysical Bulletin [更名/剔除] Astrophys Bull 1990-3413 48 1.0000 0.9000 1.3000
Applied Entomology and Zoology [更名/剔除] Appl Entomol Zool 0003-6862 40 1.3000 1.2001 1.3000
Microbiology [更名/剔除] Microbiology+ 0026-2617 117 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Power Electronics [更名/剔除] J Power Electron 1598-2092 157 1.1001 1.0000 1.3000
Microgravity Science and Technology [更名/剔除] Microgravity Sci Tec 0938-0108 63 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
Synthese [更名/剔除] Synthese 0039-7857 410 1.4999 1.1001 1.3000
International Journal of Theoretical Physics [更名/剔除] Int J Theor Phys 0020-7748 251 1.2001 1.1001 1.3000
Petroleum Chemistry [更名/剔除] Petrol Chem+ 0965-5441 120 1.2001 1.1001 1.3000
Politische Vierteljahresschrift [更名/剔除] Polit Vierteljahr 0032-3470 36 1.3000 1.2001 1.3000
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis [更名/剔除] Set-Valued Var Anal 1877-0533 40 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
Medizinische Klinik-Intensivmedizin Und Notfallmedizin [更名/剔除] Med Klin-Intensivmed 2193-6218 85 1.0000 1.1001 1.3000
Mammal Research [更名/剔除] Mammal Res 2199-2401 62 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
Hec Forum [更名/剔除] Hec Forum 0956-2737 13 1.1001 1.2001 1.3000
Cultural Studies of Science Education [更名/剔除] Cult Stud Sci Educat 1871-1502 65 1.4999 0.9000 1.3000
Journal of Ultrasound [更名/剔除] J Ultrasound 1971-3495 80 1.7001 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of International Migration and Integration [更名/剔除] J Int Migr Integr 1488-3473 96 1.6000 1.2001 1.3000
Topoi-An International Review of Philosophy [更名/剔除] Topoi-Int Rev Philos 0167-7411 108 1.4000 1.3000 1.3000
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology [更名/剔除] J Cross-Cult Geronto 0169-3816 24 2.2000 1.2001 1.3000

