

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Pediatric Radiology Pediatr Radiol 0301-0449 204 2.3000 1.9002 2.1001
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine J Ultras Med 0278-4297 196 2.2000 1.9002 2.1001
International Journal of Particle Therapy Int J Part Ther 2331-5180 22 2.3000 1.9999 2.1001
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine Magn Reson Mater Phy 0968-5243 68 2.2000 1.9002 1.9999
Journal of Thoracic Imaging J Thorac Imag 0883-5993 63 2.2000 1.7998 1.9999
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics J Appl Clin Med Phys 1526-9914 326 2.3000 1.7001 1.9999
American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Am J Nucl Med Molec 2160-8407 30 2.4002 1.9002 1.9999
Journal of Breast Imaging J Breast Imaging 2631-6110 76 1.7998 1.4000 1.9999
Journal of Radiation Research J Radiat Res 0449-3060 113 1.9999 1.7998 1.9002
Skeletal Radiology Skeletal Radiol 0364-2348 226 2.1001 1.7001 1.9002
Journal of Medical Ultrasonics J Med Ultrason 1346-4523 75 1.6000 1.7001 1.9002
Journal of Medical Imaging J Med Imaging 2329-4302 148 2.8002 1.7998 1.9002
British Journal of Radiology Brit J Radiol 0007-1285 291 2.5000 1.7998 1.7998
Clinical Imaging Clin Imag 0899-7071 170 1.7001 1.7001 1.7998
Medical Ultrasonography Med Ultrason 1844-4172 58 1.7001 1.7001 1.7998
European Journal of Radiology Open Eur J Radiol Open 2352-0477 61 1.9002 1.7998 1.7998
Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences J Med Radiat Sci 2051-3895 70 2.5000 1.4999 1.7998
Brachytherapy Brachytherapy 1538-4721 101 1.7998 1.3000 1.7001
Emergency Radiology Emerg Radiol 1070-3004 78 1.7001 1.6000 1.7001
Radiological Physics and Technology Radiol Phys Technol 1865-0333 72 1.4999 1.4999 1.7001
European Journal of Hybrid Imaging Eur J Hybrid Imag 2510-3636 28 1.9999 1.7001 1.7001
Applied Radiation and Isotopes Appl Radiat Isotopes 0969-8043 413 1.4999 1.3000 1.6000
Revista Espanola de Medicina Nuclear E Imagen Molecular Rev Esp Med Nucl Ima 2253-654X 44 1.2001 1.4000 1.6000
International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging Int J Cardiovas Imag 1569-5794 219 1.9002 1.4999 1.4999
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat Environ Bioph 0301-634X 35 1.6000 1.4999 1.4999
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America Magn Reson Imaging C 1064-9689 55 1.6000 1.4000 1.4999
Cancer Radiotherapie Cancer Radiother 1278-3218 108 1.2001 1.3000 1.4999
Seminars in Ultrasound Ct and Mri Semin Ultrasound Ct 0887-2171 46 1.9999 1.4999 1.4999
Interventional Neuroradiology Interv Neuroradiol 1591-0199 230 1.7001 1.3000 1.4999
Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology Curr Probl Diagn Rad 0363-0188 102 1.4000 1.4000 1.4999
Current Radiopharmaceuticals Curr Radiopharm 1874-4710 38 2.3000 1.3000 1.4999
Journal of Radiological Protection J Radiol Prot 0952-4746 78 1.3000 1.1001 1.4000
Radioprotection Radioprotection 0033-8451 38 1.1001 0.4000 1.4000
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Diagn Interv Radiol 1305-3825 104 2.2000 1.4000 1.4000
World Journal of Radiology World J Radiol 1949-8470 34 1.7998 1.4000 1.4000
Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology Tech Vasc Interv Rad 1089-2516 34 1.7998 1.4000 1.4000
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences J Lasers Med Sci 2008-9783 63 1.7998 1.3000 1.4000
Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Q J Nucl Med Mol Im 1824-4785 32 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
RoFo-Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der Bildgebenden Verfahren Rofo-Fortschr Rontg 1438-9029 174 2.1001 1.2001 1.3000
Neuroimaging Clinics of North America Neuroimag Clin N Am 1052-5149 45 2.2000 1.3000 1.3000
Nuclear Medicine Communications Nucl Med Commun 0143-3636 138 1.2001 1.2001 1.3000
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express Biomed Phys Eng Expr 2057-1976 172 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
Journal of Ultrasound J Ultrasound 1971-3495 80 1.7001 1.2001 1.3000
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Nucl Med Molec Imag 1869-3474 39 1.9002 1.2001 1.3000
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences J Med Imaging Radiat 1939-8654 94 1.7001 1.1001 1.3000
Journal of Ultrasonography J Ultrason 2084-8404 38 1.2001 1.2001 1.3000
Current Radiology Reports Curr Radiol Rep 2167-4825 12 0.0000 1.3000 1.3000
Ultrasound International Open Ultrasound Int Open 2509-596X 4 2.7001 1.2001 1.3000
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Surg Radiol Anat 0930-1038 195 1.4000 1.0000 1.2001
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound J Clin Ultrasound 0091-2751 139 1.0000 1.0000 1.2001

