

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
npj Precision Oncology Npj Precis Oncol 2397-768X 130 7.7002 6.6002 6.7996
International Journal of Bioprinting Int J Bioprinting 2424-7723 176 6.9002 5.6998 6.7996
Progress in Neurobiology Prog Neurobiol 0301-0082 78 8.6999 6.7000 6.7000
Clinical Science Clin Sci 0143-5221 103 6.1004 6.6002 6.7000
Journal of Cardiac Failure J Card Fail 1071-9164 109 5.8000 6.1004 6.7000
Medical Journal of Australia Med J Australia 0025-729X 100 8.1996 6.2998 6.7000
Phytomedicine Phytomedicine 0944-7113 660 6.2001 6.3996 6.7000
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging Eur Heart J-Card Img 2047-2404 173 6.6002 5.8000 6.7000
npj Parkinsons Disease Npj Parkinsons Dis 2373-8057 154 7.3003 6.3996 6.7000
Current Opinion in Immunology Curr Opin Immunol 0952-7915 79 6.5005 6.5005 6.6002
Neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmacol 0893-133X 175 7.3003 6.5005 6.6002
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Crit Rev Cl Lab Sci 1040-8363 40 9.4006 6.6002 6.6002
International Journal of Nanomedicine Int J Nanomed 1178-2013 434 7.4996 6.3996 6.6002
International Journal of Neural Systems Int J Neural Syst 0129-0657 72 5.0002 4.0000 6.6002
Fertility and Sterility Fertil Steril 0015-0282 220 7.4996 5.9998 6.6002
Epilepsia Epilepsia 0013-9580 309 6.2001 5.8000 6.6002
Clinical Nutrition Clin Nutr 0261-5614 250 6.7000 6.3996 6.6002
Respirology Respirology 1323-7799 69 5.8000 6.2001 6.6002
Journal of Behavioral Addictions J Behav Addict 2062-5871 80 7.3003 5.8000 6.6002
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Front Neuroendocrin 0091-3022 36 8.1000 6.2001 6.5005
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Am J Clin Nutr 0002-9165 243 6.9997 6.2001 6.5005
Drug Discovery Today Drug Discov Today 1359-6446 239 7.3003 6.2998 6.5005
Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging Circ-Cardiovasc Imag 1941-9651 76 8.1996 6.2998 6.5005
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry J Child Psychol Psyc 0021-9630 114 8.0000 6.2001 6.5005
Resuscitation Resuscitation 0300-9572 224 5.3999 5.3999 6.5005
Deutsches Arzteblatt International Dtsch Arztebl Int 1866-0452 91 7.8001 6.1004 6.5005
Drug Delivery Drug Deliv 1071-7544 119 6.7000 6.3996 6.5005
Oncoimmunology Oncoimmunology 2162-402X 114 7.2002 6.2998 6.5005
npj Breast Cancer Npj Breast Cancer 2374-4677 87 6.6002 6.3996 6.5005
Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research Mutat Res-Rev Mutat 1383-5742 20 6.3996 6.2998 6.3996
International Journal of Epidemiology Int J Epidemiol 0300-5771 153 7.7002 6.2998 6.3996
British Journal of Cancer Brit J Cancer 0007-0920 390 8.1000 6.2998 6.3996
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics Int J Radiat Oncol 0360-3016 320 6.1004 5.9998 6.3996
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews J Toxicol Env Heal B 1093-7404 18 8.6000 6.1004 6.3996
Translational Research Transl Res 1931-5244 96 7.2002 6.3996 6.3996
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Clin Pharmacol Ther 0009-9236 231 6.2001 5.8000 6.2998
Neoplasia Neoplasia 1476-5586 78 5.3999 6.2001 6.2998
Clinical and Experimental Allergy Clin Exp Allergy 0954-7894 71 5.2002 5.9003 6.2998
International Journal of Stroke Int J Stroke 1747-4930 115 6.2998 5.8000 6.2998
Journal of Health and Social Behavior J Health Soc Behav 0022-1465 43 7.2002 5.9003 6.2998
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Travel Med Infect Di 1477-8939 77 5.9003 5.9998 6.2998
Molecular Autism Mol Autism 2040-2392 45 6.5005 6.1004 6.2998
Burns & Trauma Burns Trauma 2321-3868 56 6.7000 5.9998 6.2998
Pediatrics Pediatrics 0031-4005 437 7.1000 5.9003 6.2001
Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Circ-Cardiovasc Qual 1941-7705 69 8.3001 5.9998 6.2001
Allergology International Allergol Int 1323-8930 60 6.6002 5.9003 6.2001
Acta Neuropathologica Communications Acta Neuropathol Com 2051-5960 192 6.7996 5.9998 6.2001
Breast Cancer Research Breast Cancer Res 1465-5411 142 7.1000 5.9998 6.1004
Cancer Cancer-Am Cancer Soc 0008-543X 369 6.7000 5.9998 6.1004
Circulation-Cardiovascular Interventions Circ-Cardiovasc Inte 1941-7640 66 6.5005 5.9003 6.1004

