

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos Chem Phys 1680-7316 719 5.6998 4.1998 5.2002
Journal of Applied Crystallography J Appl Crystallogr 0021-8898 184 5.0002 4.9000 5.2002
Catalysis Today Catal Today 0920-5861 482 5.0002 5.0002 5.2002
Energy & Fuels Energ Fuel 0887-0624 1493 4.5003 4.3997 5.2002
Separation and Purification Reviews Sep Purif Rev 1542-2119 17 5.6998 5.2002 5.2002
Redox Report Redox Rep 1351-0002 34 4.9000 5.2002 5.2002
Amyloid-Journal of Protein Folding Disorders Amyloid 1350-6129 23 6.7000 4.9000 5.2002
Journal of Rare Earths J Rare Earth 1002-0721 230 4.3997 4.2997 5.2002
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture Chem Biol Technol Ag 2196-5641 142 5.2002 5.0002 5.2002
Macromolecules Macromolecules 0024-9297 930 5.1000 4.3997 5.1000
Food & Function Food Funct 2042-6496 758 5.5999 4.9000 5.1000
ACS Macro Letters Acs Macro Lett 2161-1653 254 5.6998 4.9000 5.1000
Batteries & Supercaps Batteries Supercaps 2566-6223 231 5.5002 4.9000 5.1000
Journal of Lipid Research J Lipid Res 0022-2275 115 5.6998 4.8003 5.0002
BioFactors Biofactors 0951-6433 86 5.8000 4.9000 5.0002
Sustainable Energy & Fuels Sustain Energ Fuels 2398-4902 413 5.3999 4.8003 5.0002
Gels Gels-Basel 2310-2861 967 4.9000 4.1998 5.0002
Organic Letters Org Lett 1523-7060 1729 4.5003 4.2997 4.9000
Surveys in Geophysics Surv Geophys 0169-3298 54 6.7996 4.5003 4.9000
Marine Drugs Mar Drugs 1660-3397 637 5.2002 4.1998 4.9000
Microchemical Journal Microchem J 0026-265X 1366 4.5003 4.3997 4.9000
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int J Mol Sci 1661-6596 17106 5.5999 4.2997 4.9000
Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Colloid Surface A 0927-7757 1874 4.7003 4.6000 4.9000
Minerals Engineering Miner Eng 0892-6875 434 4.9000 4.1998 4.9000
Reviews in Chemical Engineering Rev Chem Eng 0167-8299 20 6.2001 4.9000 4.9000
Biosensors-Basel Biosensors-Basel 2079-6374 1008 5.2002 4.3997 4.9000
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science Acs Pharmacol Transl 2575-9108 153 4.9000 4.9000 4.9000
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry J Nutr Biochem 0955-2863 184 5.3999 4.7003 4.8003
Earth and Planetary Science Letters Earth Planet Sc Lett 0012-821X 384 5.0002 4.5003 4.8003
Bioelectrochemistry Bioelectrochemistry 1567-5394 191 4.5003 4.5003 4.8003
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials Micropor Mesopor Mat 1387-1811 403 4.7003 4.6000 4.8003
Journal of Ethnopharmacology J Ethnopharmacol 0378-8741 1281 4.8003 4.2997 4.8003
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters J Phys Chem Lett 1948-7185 1508 5.2999 4.3997 4.8003
Liquid Crystals Reviews Liq Cryst Rev 2168-0396 1 6.1004 3.9003 4.8003
Biomolecules Biomolecules 2218-273X 1760 5.3999 4.6000 4.8003
Natural Products and Bioprospecting Nat Product Bioprosp 2192-2195 51 3.9003 4.7003 4.8003
Electrochemistry Communications Electrochem Commun 1388-2481 143 4.2997 4.6000 4.7003
Journal of Molecular Biology J Mol Biol 0022-2836 258 4.9000 4.5003 4.7003
Applied Catalysis A-General Appl Catal A-Gen 0926-860X 347 4.8003 4.5003 4.7003
Chemico-Biological Interactions Chem-Biol Interact 0009-2797 364 4.6000 4.6000 4.7003
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B J Zhejiang Univ-Sc B 1673-1581 68 4.0998 4.0000 4.7003
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Bioinorg Chem Appl 1565-3633 30 5.9998 4.3997 4.7003
Drug Design Development and Therapy Drug Des Dev Ther 1177-8881 256 4.8003 4.6000 4.7003
Colloid and Interface Science Communications Colloid Interfac Sci 2215-0382 68 4.6000 4.3997 4.7003
Chinese Herbal Medicines Chin Herb Med 1674-6384 70 3.1999 4.6000 4.7003
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research Bba-Mol Cell Res 0167-4889 159 4.9000 4.5003 4.6000
Gene Therapy Gene Ther 0969-7128 44 4.2997 4.3997 4.6000
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Int J Greenh Gas Con 1750-5836 151 4.2997 4.2997 4.6000
Organic Chemistry Frontiers Org Chem Front 2052-4129 724 4.2997 4.1998 4.6000
Nanoscale Advances Nanoscale Adv 2516-0230 588 4.8003 4.5003 4.6000

