

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Radiology Radiology 0033-8419 291 13.3999 11.1000 12.1005
Nature Reviews Urology Nat Rev Urol 1759-4812 49 15.1995 11.9008 12.1005
Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pharmacol Therapeut 0163-7258 147 12.5001 11.9008 11.9996
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety Compr Rev Food Sci F 1541-4337 134 15.9004 11.7994 11.9996
Jacc: Cardiooncology Jacc-Cardiooncol 2666-0873 52 11.7002 11.3997 11.9996
Applied Physics Reviews Appl Phys Rev 1931-9401 140 16.4996 11.7002 11.9008
TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry Trac-Trend Anal Chem 0165-9936 486 12.6999 10.8997 11.7994
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Annu Rev Phys Chem 0066-426X 23 14.1006 11.5003 11.7002
JACC-Cardiovascular Interventions Jacc-Cardiovasc Inte 1936-8798 174 10.6002 10.6002 11.7002
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Ieee T Evolut Comput 1089-778X 137 15.4997 10.2000 11.7002
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Ieee T Ind Inform 1551-3203 1360 11.3997 10.4002 11.7002
Science Advances Sci Adv 2375-2548 2014 13.7000 11.6000 11.7002
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology Int J Min Sci Techno 2095-2686 113 8.4001 10.6002 11.7002
Cell Reports Medicine Cell Rep Med 2666-3791 305 0.0000 11.6000 11.7002
Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 0968-0004 67 12.5001 11.2997 11.6000
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clin Gastroenterol H 1542-3565 265 11.2997 11.1000 11.6000
International Journal of Computer Vision Int J Comput Vision 0920-5691 198 14.5000 11.2003 11.6000
British Journal of Sports Medicine Brit J Sport Med 0306-3674 126 14.4003 10.7997 11.6000
Physical Review X Phys Rev X 2160-3308 172 12.9002 11.3997 11.6000
Liver Cancer Liver Cancer 2235-1795 49 12.3008 10.7004 11.6000
Journal of Economic Literature J Econ Lit 0022-0515 35 14.9998 11.3997 11.5003
Endoscopy Endoscopy 0013-726X 119 10.1001 9.8996 11.5003
Journal of Marketing J Marketing 0022-2429 47 14.9998 11.0003 11.5003
Progress in Aerospace Sciences Prog Aerosp Sci 0376-0421 35 13.7000 11.1000 11.5003
Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice Ind Organ Psychol-Us 1754-9426 33 9.9995 10.2000 11.5003
JAMA Dermatology Jama Dermatol 2168-6068 102 10.6002 11.0003 11.5003
Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics Genom Proteom Bioinf 1672-0229 91 10.3005 11.0003 11.5003
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu Rev Cell Dev Bi 1081-0706 17 14.7007 11.2997 11.3997
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology J Allergy Clin Immun 0091-6749 281 10.2000 10.6002 11.3997
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Trends Endocrin Met 1043-2760 53 12.3008 11.3997 11.3997
Water Research Water Res 0043-1354 1329 12.2004 10.5006 11.3997
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Crit Rev Env Sci Tec 1064-3389 75 14.2994 11.2003 11.3997
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research J Exp Clin Canc Res 1756-9966 280 11.3997 11.2003 11.3997
Arthritis & Rheumatology Arthritis Rheumatol 2326-5191 194 11.3997 11.2003 11.3997
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Annu Rev Earth Pl Sc 0084-6597 25 14.2006 11.2003 11.2997
ACS Catalysis Acs Catal 2155-5435 1470 12.6005 10.7004 11.2997
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annu Rev Pharmacol 0362-1642 31 12.9002 11.2003 11.2003
Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics Annu Rev Ecol Evol S 1543-592X 22 15.9992 11.0003 11.2003
Sleep Medicine Reviews Sleep Med Rev 1087-0792 78 12.6999 11.0003 11.2003
Resources Conservation and Recycling Resour Conserv Recy 0921-3449 421 12.1005 10.7004 11.2003
Journal of Materials Science & Technology J Mater Sci Technol 1005-0302 805 10.4002 10.4002 11.2003
Earth System Science Data Earth Syst Sci Data 1866-3508 260 12.1005 10.7004 11.2003
Annual Review of Control Robotics and Autonomous Systems Annu Rev Contr Robot 2573-5144 18 15.4997 11.2003 11.2003
Polymer Reviews Polym Rev 1558-3724 23 14.2006 10.8997 11.1000
Quarterly Journal of Economics Q J Econ 0033-5533 53 20.7991 10.7997 11.1000
Remote Sensing of Environment Remote Sens Environ 0034-4257 406 12.6999 10.2000 11.1000
Technovation Technovation 0166-4972 225 12.1005 9.4006 11.1000
Communications of the ACM Commun Acm 0001-0782 84 17.2996 11.0003 11.1000
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry Trends Environ Anal 2214-1588 28 11.0003 11.0003 11.1000
Biological Reviews Biol Rev 1464-7931 109 13.7998 10.8997 11.0003

