

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Clinical Epidemiology Clin Epidemiol 1179-1349 96 4.2997 3.1999 3.4000
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering React Chem Eng 2058-9883 284 3.8001 3.1000 3.4000
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease Ther Adv Musculoskel 1759-720X 48 3.7001 3.3000 3.4000
Movement Ecology Mov Ecol 2051-3933 72 4.1998 3.1000 3.4000
Planning Theory & Practice Plan Theory Pract 1464-9357 25 4.0998 3.1000 3.4000
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science J Context Behav Sci 2212-1447 85 4.2997 2.8002 3.4000
Regenerative Therapy Regen Ther 2352-3204 111 3.5000 3.3000 3.4000
Geochemical Perspectives Letters Geochem Perspect Let 2410-339X 38 4.3997 3.3000 3.4000
Metabolites Metabolites 2218-1989 1187 4.0000 3.1999 3.4000
Therapeutic Advances in Hematology Ther Adv Hematol 2040-6207 50 3.5000 3.4000 3.4000
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Ther Adv Psychopharm 2045-1253 33 4.2997 3.3000 3.4000
Practical Radiation Oncology Pract Radiat Oncol 1879-8500 109 2.8997 3.1999 3.4000
Korean Journal of Pain Korean J Pain 2005-9159 38 3.1999 3.1000 3.4000
Innovation-Organization & Management Innov-Organ Manag 1447-9338 19 3.1999 3.3000 3.4000
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health Bmj Sex Reprod Heal 2515-1991 26 2.8997 3.1000 3.4000
Evolution Letters Evol Lett 2056-3744 63 4.8003 3.1999 3.4000
Environmental Evidence Environ Evid 2047-2382 30 4.6000 2.8997 3.4000
Journal of Pathology Clinical Research J Pathol Clin Res 2056-4538 38 3.8001 3.3000 3.4000
Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety Ther Adv Drug Saf 2042-0986 26 4.0000 3.1999 3.4000
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence Int J Interact Multi 1989-1660 89 2.8002 2.7001 3.4000
Rhizosphere Rhizosphere-Neth 2452-2198 175 3.5999 3.1999 3.4000
Sleep Health Sleep Health 2352-7218 116 4.3997 3.1999 3.4000
International Journal of Rail Transportation Int J Rail Transp 2324-8378 42 3.5999 3.1000 3.4000
Heliyon Heliyon 2405-8440 11031 3.9003 3.1999 3.4000
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology Biocatal Agr Biotech 1878-8181 386 3.8001 3.3000 3.4000
International Journal of Construction Management Int J Constr Manag 1562-3599 118 4.0000 3.1000 3.4000
Tourism Recreation Research Tour Recreat Res 0250-8281 84 4.0998 2.9997 3.4000
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis Res Pract Thromb Hae 2475-0379 249 3.5999 2.8002 3.4000
Intestinal Research Intest Res 1598-9100 26 3.1999 2.9997 3.4000
Journal of Toxicology J Toxicol-Us 1687-8191 25 4.1998 3.4000 3.4000
Cosmetics Cosmetics-Basel 2079-9284 170 0.0000 3.1000 3.4000
Pain Reports Pain Rep 2471-2531 58 4.0000 3.3000 3.4000
JNCI Cancer Spectrum Jnci Cancer Spect 2515-5091 90 4.1998 3.4000 3.4000
Jbmr Plus Jbmr Plus 2473-4039 115 3.4000 3.4000 3.4000
Cognitive Research-Principles and Implications Cogn Res 2365-7464 67 4.0998 3.1000 3.4000
Biomarker Insights Biomark Insights 1177-2719 9 3.9003 3.4000 3.4000
Biochemistry Research International Biochem Res Int 2090-2247 14 3.1000 3.3000 3.4000
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences Emerg Top Life Sci 2397-8554 38 3.8001 3.4000 3.4000
Biomimetics Biomimetics-Basel 2313-7673 616 3.8001 2.8997 3.4000
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Int J Qual Serv Sci 1756-669X 17 2.8002 3.1000 3.4000
Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Futur J Pharm Sci 2314-7245 121 3.5000 3.4000 3.4000
Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology Phys Imag Radiat Onc 2405-6316 115 3.4000 2.6002 3.4000
Journal of Industrial Integration and Management-Innovation and Entrepreneurship J Ind Integr Manag 2424-8622 33 4.0998 2.8002 3.4000
Trends in Neuroscience and Education Trends Neurosci Educ 2452-0837 19 3.4000 2.8997 3.4000
Ried-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion A Distancia Ried-Rev Iberoam Edu 1138-2783 31 2.6002 3.3000 3.4000
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics Int J Data Sci Anal 2364-415X 100 2.6002 3.1000 3.4000
Informatics-Basel Informatics-Basel 2227-9709 88 3.1000 3.3000 3.4000
Jor Spine Jor Spine 2572-1143 62 3.8001 2.8002 3.4000
International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Int J Mech Mater Eng 1823-0334 0 3.9003 3.4000 3.4000
Infectious Disease Reports Infect Dis Rep 2036-7430 71 2.9997 3.3000 3.4000

