

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol 0737-4038 273 14.5000 10.7004 11.0003
British Journal of Dermatology Brit J Dermatol 0007-0963 203 9.4006 10.2000 11.0003
Food Hydrocolloids Food Hydrocolloid 0268-005X 1053 11.2997 9.2003 11.0003
Medicinal Research Reviews Med Res Rev 0198-6325 73 12.9002 10.7997 10.8997
Clinical Microbiology and Infection Clin Microbiol Infec 1198-743X 221 9.2994 10.6002 10.8997
Tourism Management Tourism Manage 0261-5177 107 11.5003 10.4002 10.8997
Cement and Concrete Research Cement Concrete Res 0008-8846 230 14.4003 9.8003 10.8997
IEEE Wireless Communications Ieee Wirel Commun 1536-1284 132 11.1000 10.7997 10.8997
SIAM Review Siam Rev 0036-1445 28 11.2997 10.7997 10.7997
Global Change Biology Global Change Biol 1354-1013 409 12.9994 10.3005 10.7997
ISME Journal Isme J 1751-7362 184 11.7994 10.5006 10.7997
Earth-Science Reviews Earth-Sci Rev 0012-8252 258 12.9994 10.3005 10.7997
Environmental Science & Technology Environ Sci Technol 0013-936X 1979 11.6000 9.7004 10.7997
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Ieee T Image Process 1057-7149 480 12.1005 9.9995 10.7997
Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental Metabolism 0026-0495 127 10.6002 10.2000 10.7997
Cement & Concrete Composites Cement Concrete Comp 0958-9465 406 11.2003 9.8003 10.7997
International Journal of Oral Science Int J Oral Sci 1674-2818 56 11.7002 10.7004 10.7997
Translational Neurodegeneration Transl Neurodegener 2047-9158 47 11.6000 10.7004 10.7997
Developmental Cell Dev Cell 1534-5807 195 11.5003 10.5006 10.7004
Biosensors & Bioelectronics Biosens Bioelectron 0956-5663 722 9.8996 10.1001 10.7004
Medical Image Analysis Med Image Anal 1361-8415 256 11.9008 10.1001 10.7004
Carbohydrate Polymers Carbohyd Polym 0144-8617 988 10.2000 9.9995 10.7004
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Ieee T Fuzzy Syst 1063-6706 361 9.7004 9.2994 10.7004
Journal of Materials Chemistry A J Mater Chem A 2050-7488 2211 10.7997 10.2000 10.7004
Redox Biology Redox Biol 2213-2317 386 11.7002 10.3005 10.7004
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Asian J Pharm Sci 1818-0876 58 9.0002 10.2000 10.7004
Small Methods Small Methods 2366-9608 645 12.1005 10.3005 10.7004
Green Energy & Environment Green Energy Environ 2096-2797 130 10.1001 10.1001 10.7004
Annual Review of Materials Research Annu Rev Mater Res 1531-7331 16 13.5000 10.6002 10.6002
Brain Brain 0006-8950 317 12.5001 10.2000 10.6002
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Isprs J Photogramm 0924-2716 269 11.7994 9.7004 10.6002
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology Annu Rev Food Sci T 1941-1413 24 13.7000 10.4002 10.6002
Journal of Nanobiotechnology J Nanobiotechnol 1477-3155 472 11.3997 10.3005 10.6002
PLoS Medicine Plos Med 1549-1277 150 11.2997 10.4002 10.5006
Journal of Controlled Release J Control Release 0168-3659 645 10.6002 10.1001 10.5006
Perspectives on Psychological Science Perspect Psychol Sci 1745-6916 111 12.5001 10.2000 10.5006
Carbon Carbon 0008-6223 760 9.2003 9.8003 10.5006
American Economic Review Am Econ Rev 0002-8282 93 15.2992 10.3005 10.5006
Journal of Business Research J Bus Res 0148-2963 720 11.2003 9.7004 10.5006
Sustainable Cities and Society Sustain Cities Soc 2210-6707 741 9.9995 9.1005 10.5006
JAMA Network Open Jama Netw Open 2574-3805 1694 11.0003 10.2000 10.5006
International Journal of Transgender Health Int J Transgend Heal 2689-5269 64 8.6999 9.5998 10.5006
Annual Review of Biophysics Annu Rev Biophys 1936-122X 25 12.3008 10.4002 10.4002
Journal of Financial Economics J Financ Econ 0304-405X 81 11.3997 10.2000 10.4002
Annals of Tourism Research Ann Tourism Res 0160-7383 104 11.2003 9.2994 10.4002
Science China-Chemistry Sci China Chem 1674-7291 343 7.8996 9.4006 10.4002
Genome Medicine Genome Med 1756-994X 112 12.6005 10.2000 10.4002
Journal of Industrial Information Integration J Ind Inf Integr 2467-964X 71 10.5006 9.7004 10.4002
npj Clean Water Npj Clean Water 2059-7037 77 12.2004 10.2000 10.4002
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 1046-6673 143 10.5006 9.8996 10.3005

