

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Hematology & Oncology J Hematol Oncol 1756-8722 70 26.9002 28.9995 29.5008
Molecular Cancer Mol Cancer 1476-4598 165 31.3005 27.1000 27.6999
Military Medical Research Military Med Res 2095-7467 55 14.8000 16.1004 16.7007
Molecular Neurodegeneration Mol Neurodegener 1750-1326 78 16.7007 14.5000 14.8996
Microbiome Microbiome 2049-2618 262 17.9004 13.3999 13.7998
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research J Exp Clin Canc Res 1756-9966 280 11.3997 11.2003 11.3997
Translational Neurodegeneration Transl Neurodegener 2047-9158 47 11.6000 10.7004 10.7997
Journal of Nanobiotechnology J Nanobiotechnol 1477-3155 472 11.3997 10.3005 10.6002
Genome Medicine Genome Med 1756-994X 112 12.6005 10.2000 10.4002
Genome Biology Genome Biol 1474-760X 273 16.4996 9.8003 10.1001
Biomarker Research Biomark Res 2050-7771 84 9.4006 9.4006 9.4998
Experimental Hematology & Oncology Exp Hematol Oncol 2162-3619 71 8.3001 8.8005 9.4006
Journal of Neuroinflammation J Neuroinflamm 1742-2094 299 9.8003 9.0002 9.2994
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters Cell Mol Biol Lett 1425-8153 91 8.1000 8.4997 9.2003
Journal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci 1021-7770 92 10.7004 8.9006 9.0002
Critical Care Crit Care 1466-609X 338 10.4002 8.3001 8.8005
Implementation Science Implement Sci 1748-5908 62 9.2003 8.1996 8.8005
Cardiovascular Diabetology Cardiovasc Diabetol 1475-2840 335 8.9006 7.1000 8.4997
Pneumonia Pneumonia 2200-6133 15 5.9003 8.3001 8.4997
Cell Communication and Signaling Cell Commun Signal 1478-811X 348 8.0000 8.1000 8.1996
Alzheimers Research & Therapy Alzheimers Res Ther 1758-9193 201 8.3001 7.7002 7.8996
Journal of Headache and Pain J Headache Pain 1129-2369 159 7.7002 6.2001 7.3003
Particle and Fibre Toxicology Part Fibre Toxicol 1743-8977 49 8.8005 6.9997 7.2002
Research Integrity and Peer Review Res Integr Peer Rev 2058-8615 12 8.9006 6.9002 7.2002
Journal of Cheminformatics J Cheminformatics 1758-2946 113 9.2994 6.5005 7.1000
Stem Cell Research & Therapy Stem Cell Res Ther 1757-6512 359 7.8996 6.7996 7.1000
BMC Medicine Bmc Med 1741-7015 475 8.6999 6.9002 6.9997
Molecular Autism Mol Autism 2040-2392 45 6.5005 6.1004 6.2998
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology J Anim Sci Biotechno 2049-1891 156 6.3996 6.1004 6.2998
Systematic Reviews Syst Rev-London 2046-4053 223 4.5003 6.2001 6.2998
Acta Neuropathologica Communications Acta Neuropathol Com 2051-5960 192 6.7996 5.9998 6.2001
Environmental Microbiome Environ Microbiome 2524-6372 82 7.1000 6.1004 6.2001
Breast Cancer Research Breast Cancer Res 1465-5411 142 7.1000 5.9998 6.1004
Journal of Translational Medicine J Transl Med 1479-5876 871 6.2001 5.9998 6.1004
Cell and Bioscience Cell Biosci 2045-3701 218 6.9997 5.9998 6.1004
World Journal of Emergency Surgery World J Emerg Surg 1749-7922 55 7.3003 5.5999 5.9998
Cancer & Metabolism Cancer Metab 2049-3002 26 5.3999 5.9998 5.9998
Globalization and Health Globalization Health 1744-8603 96 6.7000 5.6998 5.9003
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS Fluids Barriers Cns 2045-8118 90 7.4996 5.0002 5.9003
Biology Direct Biol Direct 1745-6150 81 4.5003 5.2002 5.6998
Journal of Biological Engineering J Biol Eng 1754-1611 78 5.5999 5.5002 5.6998
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Int J Behav Nutr Phy 1479-5868 142 7.4996 5.2999 5.5999
Environmental Health Environ Health-Glob 1476-069X 82 6.7000 5.2002 5.2999
Cancer Cell International Cancer Cell Int 1475-2867 314 5.0002 5.2999 5.2999
Chinese Medicine Chin Med-Uk 1749-8546 157 5.5002 5.0002 5.2999
Skeletal Muscle Skelet Muscle 2044-5040 23 5.0002 5.2999 5.2999
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation J Neuroeng Rehabil 1743-0003 164 5.5999 4.9000 5.2002
Immunity & Ageing Immun Ageing 1742-4933 73 6.3996 4.9000 5.2002
Ima Fungus Ima Fungus 2210-6340 25 5.2002 5.0002 5.2002
Inflammation and Regeneration Inflamm Regen 1880-8190 59 7.2002 4.9000 5.0002

