

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
European Heart Journal Eur Heart J 0195-668X 244 32.5993 35.1007 37.5987
Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res 0305-1048 1208 16.1004 15.9004 16.6009
Neuro-Oncology Neuro-Oncology 1522-8517 146 14.8996 15.8000 16.4006
National Science Review Natl Sci Rev 2095-5138 255 18.5991 15.9992 16.3001
Human Reproduction Update Hum Reprod Update 1355-4786 31 17.1995 14.6001 14.8000
Protein & Cell Protein Cell 1674-800X 36 17.7000 13.3999 13.6006
Gigascience Gigascience 2047-217X 102 9.4006 11.6000 11.7994
Quarterly Journal of Economics Q J Econ 0033-5533 53 20.7991 10.7997 11.1000
Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol 0737-4038 273 14.5000 10.7004 11.0003
British Journal of Dermatology Brit J Dermatol 0007-0963 203 9.4006 10.2000 11.0003
Brain Brain 0006-8950 317 12.5001 10.2000 10.6002
Cardiovascular Research Cardiovasc Res 0008-6363 123 10.6002 9.9995 10.2000
Fems Microbiology Reviews Fems Microbiol Rev 0168-6445 59 13.3999 9.9995 10.1001
Plant Cell Plant Cell 1040-4651 202 11.1000 9.5998 9.9995
JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute Jnci-J Natl Cancer I 0027-8874 183 10.5006 9.5998 9.8996
Journal of Travel Medicine J Travel Med 1195-1982 80 9.8003 7.8001 9.1005
World Bank Research Observer World Bank Res Obser 0257-3032 11 8.3001 8.4997 8.6999
British Journal of Surgery Brit J Surg 0007-1323 189 8.6000 8.0000 8.6000
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Eur J Prev Cardiol 2047-4873 203 7.1000 7.6001 8.4001
Journal of Crohns & Colitis J Crohns Colitis 1873-9946 175 8.3001 7.7002 8.3001
Human Reproduction Open Hum Reprod Open 2399-3529 40 8.6000 8.1000 8.3001
Clinical Infectious Diseases Clin Infect Dis 1058-4838 523 8.1996 7.8996 8.1996
Europace Europace 1099-5129 322 6.2998 5.9003 7.8996
Bioscience Bioscience 0006-3568 67 9.4006 7.4001 7.6001
Horticulture Research Hortic Res-England 2662-6810 293 8.1996 6.9997 7.6001
British Medical Bulletin Brit Med Bull 0007-1420 30 7.8996 7.3003 7.4001
QJM-An International Journal of Medicine Qjm-Int J Med 1460-2725 68 6.3996 6.3996 7.3003
Clinical Chemistry Clin Chem 0009-9147 97 7.4001 6.9002 7.1000
Briefings in Bioinformatics Brief Bioinform 1467-5463 507 7.8996 6.2998 6.7996
Review of Financial Studies Rev Financ Stud 0893-9454 96 9.4998 6.6002 6.7996
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging Eur Heart J-Card Img 2047-2404 173 6.6002 5.8000 6.7000
Plant Physiology Plant Physiol 0032-0889 530 7.6001 6.1004 6.5005
International Journal of Epidemiology Int J Epidemiol 0300-5771 153 7.7002 6.2998 6.3996
Burns & Trauma Burns Trauma 2321-3868 56 6.7000 5.9998 6.2998
Systematic Biology Syst Biol 1063-5157 71 10.4002 5.5999 6.1004
Journal of Communication J Commun 0021-9916 43 7.4001 5.9003 6.1004
Human Reproduction Hum Reprod 0268-1161 246 6.3996 5.5999 5.9998
Age and Ageing Age Ageing 0002-0729 207 8.3001 5.6998 5.9998
Nutrition Reviews Nutr Rev 0029-6643 146 6.6002 5.8000 5.9003
Review of Economic Studies Rev Econ Stud 0034-6527 109 7.7002 5.6998 5.9003
Journal of Consumer Research J Consum Res 0093-5301 57 8.6000 5.2002 5.6998
Policy and Society Policy Soc 1449-4035 32 7.8001 5.5002 5.6998
Journal of Experimental Botany J Exp Bot 0022-0957 443 6.7996 5.2999 5.5999
Review of Finance Rev Financ 1572-3097 38 5.8000 5.5002 5.5999
Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society Camb J Reg Econ Soc 1752-1378 39 7.4001 4.5003 5.5999
Regenerative Biomaterials Regen Biomater 2056-3418 116 5.6998 5.0002 5.5999
Virus Evolution Virus Evol 2057-1577 84 6.1004 5.2002 5.5002
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication J Comput-Mediat Comm 1083-6101 63 8.1996 5.1000 5.3999
Stem Cells Translational Medicine Stem Cell Transl Med 2157-6564 88 6.1004 5.2999 5.3999
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology J Mol Cell Biol 1674-2788 48 6.1004 5.2002 5.2999

