

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Communication Methods and Measures Commun Methods Meas 1931-2458 29 12.3008 5.2999 6.2998
Journal of Communication J Commun 0021-9916 43 7.4001 5.9003 6.1004
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication J Comput-Mediat Comm 1083-6101 63 8.1996 5.1000 5.3999
Journal of Advertising J Advertising 0091-3367 40 7.6001 5.0002 5.3999
Digital Journalism Digit Journal 2167-0811 74 7.2002 4.5003 5.2002
Comunicar Comunicar 1134-3478 40 5.2002 4.9000 5.1000
Communication Research Commun Res 0093-6502 55 5.9003 4.8003 4.9000
Political Communication Polit Commun 1058-4609 55 8.8005 4.2997 4.6000
New Media & Society New Media Soc 1461-4448 239 6.9997 4.0998 4.5003
Human Communication Research Hum Commun Res 0360-3989 56 4.7003 4.0998 4.3997
Information Communication & Society Inform Commun Soc 1369-118X 119 5.2999 4.0000 4.1998
International Journal of Press-Politics Int J Press/polit 1940-1612 30 5.9998 3.9003 4.0998
Research on Language and Social Interaction Res Lang Soc Interac 0835-1813 16 4.7003 2.8002 2.9997

