

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Lancet Infectious Diseases Lancet Infect Dis 1473-3099 135 32.4007 35.9991 36.3996
Journal of Infection J Infection 0163-4453 70 12.2004 13.3003 14.2994
Lancet HIV Lancet Hiv 2352-3018 64 11.7994 12.2004 12.7998
Eurosurveillance Eurosurveillance 1560-7917 192 8.4997 9.5998 9.8996
Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerg Infect Dis 1080-6040 326 6.9997 6.9997 7.2002
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Travel Med Infect Di 1477-8939 77 5.9003 5.9998 6.2998
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Infect Dis Clin N Am 0891-5520 45 6.2998 6.1004 6.1004
Infection Infection 0300-8126 159 4.6000 5.2002 5.3999
International Journal of Infectious Diseases Int J Infect Dis 1201-9712 328 5.0002 4.7003 4.8003
Journal of Infection and Public Health J Infect Public Heal 1876-0341 294 4.3997 4.6000 4.7003
Infectious Diseases and Therapy Infect Dis Ther 2193-8229 144 4.6000 4.5003 4.7003
Journal of the International AIDS Society J Int Aids Soc 1758-2652 121 4.7003 4.2997 4.6000
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Int J Hyg Envir Heal 1438-4639 129 5.0002 4.0998 4.5003
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS Curr Opin Hiv Aids 1746-630X 46 3.8001 4.3997 4.5003
One Health One Health-Amsterdam 2352-7714 179 4.2997 3.8001 4.0998
ACS Infectious Diseases Acs Infect Dis 2373-8227 216 4.2997 3.8001 4.0000
Infectious Diseases Infect Dis-Nor 2374-4235 98 3.7001 4.0000 4.0000
Journal of Hospital Infection J Hosp Infect 0195-6701 213 3.9003 3.7001 3.9003
American Journal of Infection Control Am J Infect Control 0196-6553 261 3.1000 3.5000 3.8001
Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease Ther Adv Infect Dis 2049-9361 71 3.5999 3.7001 3.8001
Current HIV/AIDS Reports Curr Hiv-Aids Rep 1548-3568 40 5.1000 3.5999 3.7001
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases Curr Opin Infect Dis 0951-7375 79 4.2997 3.4000 3.5999
Sexually Transmitted Infections Sex Transm Infect 1368-4973 57 2.9997 3.4000 3.5999
BMC Infectious Diseases Bmc Infect Dis 1471-2334 873 3.3000 3.3000 3.4000
AIDS Patient Care and Stds Aids Patient Care St 1087-2914 47 4.2997 2.4002 3.4000
Infectious Disease Reports Infect Dis Rep 2036-7430 71 2.9997 3.3000 3.4000
Current Infectious Disease Reports Curr Infect Dis Rep 1523-3847 31 3.5000 2.9997 3.1000
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Infect Cont Hosp Ep 0899-823X 234 3.1000 2.8002 2.9997
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases Braz J Infect Dis 1413-8670 46 2.4002 2.8997 2.9997
Epidemics Epidemics-Neth 1755-4365 65 2.9997 2.8002 2.9997
Infectious Disease Modelling Infect Dis Model 2468-0427 77 4.1998 2.8997 2.9997
JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Jaids-J Acq Imm Def 1525-4135 187 2.9997 2.8002 2.8997
Infection and Immunity Infect Immun 0019-9567 176 3.1000 2.8002 2.8997
Infectious Diseases Now Infect Dis Now 2666-9927 110 2.8997 2.7001 2.8997
HIV Medicine Hiv Med 1464-2662 103 2.8002 2.6002 2.8002
Infection and Chemotherapy Infect Chemother 2093-2340 56 2.8002 2.3000 2.8002
Infection Genetics and Evolution Infect Genet Evol 1567-1348 136 2.6002 2.5000 2.6002
Epidemiology and Infection Epidemiol Infect 0950-2688 183 2.6002 2.5000 2.5000
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sex Transm Dis 0148-5717 154 2.2000 2.1001 2.4002
Current Fungal Infection Reports Curr Fungal Infect R 1936-3761 30 1.7998 2.2000 2.3000
AIDS Research and Therapy Aids Res Ther 1742-6405 90 2.4002 1.9999 2.1001
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases Mediterr J Hematol I 2035-3006 44 2.4002 1.9002 1.9999
Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases Curr Treat Opt Infec 1523-3820 10 1.4000 1.9999 1.9999
AIDS Reviews Aids Rev 1139-6121 15 2.1001 1.7998 1.9002
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases Vector-Borne Zoonot 1530-3667 93 2.6002 1.7001 1.7998
Sexual Health Sex Health 1448-5028 66 1.9999 1.6000 1.7998
Germs Germs 2248-2997 40 1.7998 1.7001 1.7001
Communicable Diseases Intelligence Commun Dis Intell 0725-3141 52 1.4999 1.3000 1.6000
HIV AIDS-Research and Palliative Care Hiv Aids-Res Palliat 1179-1373 61 1.7001 1.4000 1.4999
International Journal of Std & AIDS Int J Std Aids 0956-4624 155 1.4000 1.3000 1.4000

