

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Bioresource Technology Bioresource Technol 0960-8524 1433 9.4006 8.1996 9.7004
Biomass & Bioenergy Biomass Bioenerg 0961-9534 234 5.2002 5.5999 5.8000
Industrial Crops and Products Ind Crop Prod 0926-6690 1527 5.6998 5.0002 5.5999
Biosystems Engineering Biosyst Eng 1537-5110 195 5.2002 4.0998 4.3997
Aquacultural Engineering Aquacult Eng 0144-8609 42 3.9003 3.4000 3.5999
Agriengineering Agriengineering 2624-7402 150 3.1000 2.7001 2.9997
Journal of Agricultural Engineering J Agric Eng-Italy 1974-7071 34 2.5000 2.3000 2.4002
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Int J Agr Biol Eng 1934-6344 184 2.5000 1.7998 2.2000
Paddy and Water Environment Paddy Water Environ 1611-2490 41 1.9002 1.7998 1.9002
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering J Irrig Drain Eng 0733-9437 48 1.7998 1.4000 1.6000
Transactions of the Asabe T Asabe 2151-0032 0 1.4999 1.4000 1.4000
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola E Ambiental Rev Bras Eng Agr Amb 1415-4366 126 1.3000 1.1001 1.4000
Journal of the Asabe J Asabe 2769-3295 125 1.2001 0.9000 1.2001
Engenharia Agricola Eng Agr-Jaboticabal 0100-6916 90 1.0000 0.7000 0.9000
Applied Engineering in Agriculture Appl Eng Agric 0883-8542 64 1.1001 0.8000 0.8000
Journal of Cotton Science J Cotton Sci 1523-6919 15 0.5000 0.5999 0.7000
Inmateh-Agricultural Engineering Inmateh-Agric Eng 2068-4215 215 0.5999 0.3000 0.5999
AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America Ama-Agr Mech Asia Af 0084-5841 11 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce [更名/剔除] J Irrig Drain E-Asce 0733-9437 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

