

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Plant Phenomics Plant Phenomics 2643-6515 97 7.7002 6.2998 7.6001
Agronomy for Sustainable Development Agron Sustain Dev 1774-0746 80 7.8996 5.9998 6.3996
Postharvest Biology and Technology Postharvest Biol Tec 0925-5214 414 6.9002 5.2002 6.3996
Crop Journal Crop J 2095-5421 191 5.5999 5.8000 5.9998
Global Change Biology Bioenergy Gcb Bioenergy 1757-1693 77 5.3999 5.3999 5.9003
Agricultural Water Management Agr Water Manage 0378-3774 490 6.2001 5.2002 5.9003
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Agr Forest Meteorol 0168-1923 437 6.2998 5.0002 5.5999
Industrial Crops and Products Ind Crop Prod 0926-6690 1527 5.6998 5.0002 5.5999
Field Crops Research Field Crop Res 0378-4290 326 6.1004 4.9000 5.5999
European Journal of Agronomy Eur J Agron 1161-0301 244 5.0002 4.1998 4.5003
Theoretical and Applied Genetics Theor Appl Genet 0040-5752 247 5.0002 4.0000 4.3997
Pest Management Science Pest Manag Sci 1526-498X 559 4.2997 3.4000 3.8001
Advances in Agronomy [更名/剔除] Adv Agron 0065-2113 28 9.7564 9.1766 9.2650

