

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Intensive Care Medicine Intens Care Med 0342-4642 80 24.0000 25.9002 27.1000
Cancer Communications Cancer Commun 2523-3548 46 16.7007 19.7991 20.0992
Kidney International Supplements Kidney Int Suppl 2157-1724 0 14.2006 19.3006 19.3006
Periodontology 2000 Periodontol 2000 0906-6713 73 16.8008 16.8994 17.4990
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering Ieee Rev Biomed Eng 1937-3333 42 0.0000 17.0004 17.1995
Military Medical Research Military Med Res 2095-7467 55 14.8000 16.1004 16.7007
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles J Extracell Vesicles 2001-3078 87 19.6000 14.8996 15.4997
Annual Review of Medicine Annu Rev Med 0066-4219 35 14.4003 15.1004 15.1004
Lancet Rheumatology Lancet Rheumatol 2665-9913 55 14.7007 14.6001 14.9998
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network J Natl Compr Canc Ne 1540-1405 141 12.3008 14.8000 14.8000
Journal of Infection J Infection 0163-4453 70 12.2004 13.3003 14.2994
Trends in Cancer Trends Cancer 2405-8025 66 17.0997 14.2006 14.2994
Clinical and Molecular Hepatology Clin Mol Hepatol 2287-2728 79 9.5998 11.3997 13.9993
Drugs Drugs 0012-6667 127 11.3997 12.9002 12.9994
Annual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Nutr 0199-9885 16 12.9002 12.6005 12.6005
International Journal of Surgery Int J Surg 1743-9191 358 8.9006 11.2997 12.5001
Gut Microbes Gut Microbes 1949-0976 307 12.3008 11.7002 12.2004
Jacc: Cardiooncology Jacc-Cardiooncol 2666-0873 52 11.7002 11.3997 11.9996
Endocrine Pathology Endocr Pathol 1046-3976 37 5.9998 9.8996 11.2997
British Journal of Dermatology Brit J Dermatol 0007-0963 203 9.4006 10.2000 11.0003
Clinical Microbiology and Infection Clin Microbiol Infec 1198-743X 221 9.2994 10.6002 10.8997
Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental Metabolism 0026-0495 127 10.6002 10.2000 10.7997
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Asian J Pharm Sci 1818-0876 58 9.0002 10.2000 10.7004
JAMA Network Open Jama Netw Open 2574-3805 1694 11.0003 10.2000 10.5006
International Journal of Transgender Health Int J Transgend Heal 2689-5269 64 8.6999 9.5998 10.5006
Pulmonology Pulmonology 2531-0437 50 6.9002 9.5998 10.4002
Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer J Immunother Cancer 2051-1426 417 11.6000 9.9995 10.3005
Advanced Healthcare Materials Adv Healthc Mater 2192-2640 1004 11.2997 9.4998 9.9995
Eurosurveillance Eurosurveillance 1560-7917 192 8.4997 9.5998 9.8996
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer Bba-Rev Cancer 0304-419X 161 11.2003 9.5998 9.7004
Radiologia Medica Radiol Med 0033-8362 153 5.6998 8.9006 9.7004
Journal of Physiotherapy J Physiother 1836-9553 25 10.3005 8.6000 9.7004
EBioMedicine Ebiomedicine 2352-3964 429 9.2003 9.5998 9.7004
American Journal of Public Health Am J Public Health 0090-0036 101 10.1001 9.4006 9.5998
Clinical Nuclear Medicine Clin Nucl Med 0363-9762 88 7.6001 6.2998 9.5998
Chest Chest 0012-3692 262 9.2994 9.1005 9.4998
Experimental and Molecular Medicine Exp Mol Med 1226-3613 208 11.7002 9.2994 9.4998
Current Obesity Reports Curr Obes Rep 2162-4968 43 10.8997 9.2003 9.4998
Biomarker Research Biomark Res 2050-7771 84 9.4006 9.4006 9.4998
Canadian Medical Association Journal Can Med Assoc J 0820-3946 82 11.1000 9.0002 9.4006
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Am J Kidney Dis 0272-6386 122 9.4998 9.1005 9.4006
Acta Biomaterialia Acta Biomater 1742-7061 662 9.8996 9.1005 9.4006
Experimental Hematology & Oncology Exp Hematol Oncol 2162-3619 71 8.3001 8.8005 9.4006
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Cytokine Growth F R 1359-6101 47 10.2000 9.2003 9.2994
Journal of Neuroinflammation J Neuroinflamm 1742-2094 299 9.8003 9.0002 9.2994
Autoimmunity Reviews Autoimmun Rev 1568-9972 120 9.2994 8.8005 9.2003
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry J Am Acad Child Psy 0890-8567 68 10.7997 8.8005 9.2003
Anesthesiology Anesthesiology 0003-3022 99 8.4997 8.4997 9.1005
Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Circ-Arrhythmia Elec 1941-3149 51 7.8996 8.9006 9.1005
British Journal of Anaesthesia Brit J Anaesth 0007-0912 177 9.4998 8.3001 9.1005

