

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Ieee T Ind Electron 0278-0046 1826 8.0000 6.5005 7.4996
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Ieee T Instrum Meas 0018-9456 2247 5.5999 4.2997 5.5999
IEEE Sensors Journal Ieee Sens J 1530-437X 3190 4.1998 3.5000 4.2997
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical Sensor Actuat A-Phys 0924-4247 694 4.0000 3.8001 4.0998
Displays Displays 0141-9382 209 3.4000 2.8002 3.7001
Sensors Sensors-Basel 1424-8220 9823 3.7001 2.9997 3.4000
IET Control Theory and Applications Iet Control Theory A 1751-8644 186 2.2000 1.9999 2.2000
IEEE Sensors Letters Ieee Sensor Lett 2475-1472 420 2.2000 1.9999 2.2000
Hardwarex Hardwarex 2468-0672 112 2.3000 1.7001 1.9999
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine Ieee Instru Meas Mag 1094-6969 64 1.6000 1.4999 1.6000
Journal of Sensors J Sensors 1687-725X 172 1.7001 1.1001 1.4000

