

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing Int J Extreme Manuf 2631-8644 80 14.4003 14.5000 16.1004
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture Int J Mach Tool Manu 0890-6955 44 11.7002 12.9994 13.9993
Additive Manufacturing Addit Manuf 2214-8604 532 12.4002 9.4006 10.3005
Virtual and Physical Prototyping Virtual Phys Prototy 1745-2759 137 10.2000 8.6999 10.2000
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Robot Cim-Int Manuf 0736-5845 144 8.9006 8.1000 9.1005
Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing Compos Part A-Appl S 1359-835X 464 8.1996 7.4001 8.1000
Journal of Materials Processing Technology J Mater Process Tech 0924-0136 326 6.1004 6.3996 6.7000
IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics Ieee-Asme T Mech 1083-4435 443 6.2001 5.1000 6.1004

