

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering J Rock Mech Geotech 1674-7755 208 7.6001 8.6999 9.4006
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Int J Rock Mech Min 1365-1609 226 7.7002 6.6002 6.9997
Georisk-Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards Georisk 1749-9518 49 4.8003 5.1000 6.5005
Landslides Landslides 1612-510X 164 6.9002 5.2999 5.8000
Acta Geotechnica Acta Geotech 1861-1125 380 5.9998 4.8003 5.5999
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Rock Mech Rock Eng 0723-2632 484 6.6002 4.8003 5.5002
Computers and Geotechnics Comput Geotech 0266-352X 710 5.6998 4.2997 5.2999
Transportation Geotechnics Transp Geotech 2214-3912 233 5.1000 4.3997 4.9000
Geotextiles and Geomembranes Geotext Geomembranes 0266-1144 57 4.6000 4.0998 4.7003
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Earthq Eng Struct D 0098-8847 239 4.7003 3.5999 4.2997
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 0267-7261 563 4.5003 3.5000 4.1998
Geotechnique Geotechnique 0016-8505 101 5.2002 4.0000 4.1998
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering B Earthq Eng 1570-761X 218 4.0998 3.3000 3.8001
Geosynthetics International Geosynth Int 1072-6349 48 3.1000 2.5000 2.8002

