

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Materials Science & Technology J Mater Sci Technol 1005-0302 805 10.4002 10.4002 11.2003
Rare Metals Rare Metals 1001-0521 410 6.9002 8.1996 9.5998
Acta Materialia Acta Mater 1359-6454 725 9.2994 7.7002 8.3001
Corrosion Science Corros Sci 0010-938X 708 7.8996 6.2001 7.4001
Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T J Mater Res Technol 2238-7854 3333 6.2998 5.3999 6.2001
Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing Mat Sci Eng A-Struct 0921-5093 1223 6.2001 5.3999 6.1004
Journal of Alloys and Compounds J Alloy Compd 0925-8388 4427 5.2999 5.2002 5.8000
Scripta Materialia Scripta Mater 1359-6462 465 5.6998 5.1000 5.2999
Intermetallics Intermetallics 0966-9795 258 4.1998 4.0998 4.2997
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials Int J Refract Met H 0263-4368 372 4.1998 3.5000 4.1998
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes J Adv Join Process 2666-3309 40 4.0000 3.5000 3.8001
Metals and Materials International Met Mater Int 1598-9623 209 3.1000 2.8997 3.3000
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining Sci Technol Weld Joi 1362-1718 74 3.5999 2.8002 3.1000
International Journal of Material Forming Int J Mater Form 1960-6206 69 2.3000 2.4002 2.6002
Metals Metals-Basel 2075-4701 1980 2.7001 2.2000 2.6002
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science Metall Mater Trans B 1073-5615 275 2.6002 1.9002 2.4002
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Metall Mater Trans A 1073-5623 329 2.6002 1.9999 2.2000
Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry Calphad 0364-5916 98 2.1001 1.4999 1.9002
Materials Science and Technology Mater Sci Tech-Lond 0267-0836 193 2.3000 1.6000 1.7001
Soldering & Surface Mount Technology Solder Surf Mt Tech 0954-0911 22 1.4000 1.4999 1.7001
Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion Mater Corros 0947-5117 121 1.7998 1.4999 1.6000
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology Corros Eng Sci Techn 1478-422X 51 1.9002 1.4000 1.4999
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion J Phase Equilib Diff 1547-7037 52 1.4999 1.4999 1.4999
Uspekhi Fiziki Metallov-Progress in Physics of Metals Usp Fiz Metallov 1608-1021 27 1.2001 0.8000 1.4999
Materials Transactions Mater Trans 1345-9678 381 1.4000 0.8000 1.2001
Corrosion Corrosion-Us 0010-9312 110 1.7001 0.8000 1.1001
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials Korean J Met Mater 1738-8228 111 0.8000 0.5000 1.1001
Materials At High Temperatures Mater High Temp 0960-3409 61 1.3000 0.8000 1.0000
Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials Kovove Mater 0023-432X 35 0.9000 0.7000 0.7000
Materiali in Tehnologije Mater Tehnol 1580-2949 85 0.5999 0.5999 0.5999
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering Rare Metal Mat Eng 1002-185X 474 0.5999 0.3000 0.5999

