

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Radiologia Medica Radiol Med 0033-8362 153 5.6998 8.9006 9.7004
Clinical Nuclear Medicine Clin Nucl Med 0363-9762 88 7.6001 6.2998 9.5998
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography J Cardiovasc Comput 1934-5925 52 4.3997 4.9000 5.5002
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging Diagn Interv Imag 2211-5684 64 4.3997 3.5999 4.9000
American Journal of Roentgenology Am J Roentgenol 0361-803X 135 4.0998 4.3997 4.7003
Korean Journal of Radiology Korean J Radiol 1229-6929 94 4.0998 3.8001 4.3997
Insights Into Imaging Insights Imaging 1869-4101 208 5.9003 4.0000 4.0998
Journal of the American College of Radiology J Am Coll Radiol 1546-1440 148 4.6000 3.5000 4.0000
Academic Radiology Acad Radiol 1076-6332 346 3.7001 3.1000 3.8001
Ultrasonics Ultrasonics 0041-624X 251 3.7001 2.9997 3.8001
Cancer Imaging Cancer Imaging 1740-5025 122 4.2997 3.4000 3.5000
Practical Radiation Oncology Pract Radiat Oncol 1879-8500 109 2.8997 3.1999 3.4000
Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys Med Biol 0031-9155 580 3.4000 2.8002 3.3000
Radiation Oncology Radiat Oncol 1748-717X 194 3.5999 3.1000 3.3000
Physica Medica-European Journal of Medical Physics Phys Medica 1120-1797 201 2.9997 2.7001 3.3000
Medical Physics Med Phys 0094-2405 700 3.9003 2.7001 3.1999
European Journal of Radiology Eur J Radiol 0720-048X 440 3.4000 2.9997 3.1999
American Journal of Neuroradiology Am J Neuroradiol 0195-6108 229 3.5000 2.8997 3.1000
Ultraschall in Der Medizin Ultraschall Med 0172-4614 63 4.1998 2.8002 3.1000
EJNMMI Research Ejnmmi Res 2191-219X 104 2.9997 2.9997 3.1000
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Magn Reson Med 0740-3194 369 3.3000 2.2000 2.9997
Journal of Biomedical Optics J Biomed Opt 1083-3668 167 3.1000 2.7001 2.9997
Molecular Imaging and Biology Mol Imaging Biol 1536-1632 84 2.7001 2.8997 2.9997
International Journal of Hyperthermia Int J Hyperther 0265-6736 137 3.1000 2.6002 2.9997
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology J Nucl Cardiol 1071-3581 97 2.8997 2.2000 2.9997
Journal of Neuroradiology J Neuroradiology 0150-9861 65 2.8997 2.8002 2.9997
EJNMMI Physics Ejnmmi Phys 2197-7364 76 3.7001 2.7001 2.9997
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Dentomaxillofac Rad 0250-832X 70 3.1999 2.6002 2.8997
Journal of Digital Imaging J Digit Imaging 0897-1889 151 4.1998 2.7001 2.8997
Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Quant Imag Med Surg 2223-4292 600 3.1999 2.2000 2.8997
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Cardiovasc Inter Rad 0174-1551 157 2.6002 2.5000 2.8002
Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie Strahlenther Onkol 0179-7158 110 2.8002 2.1001 2.7001
NMR in Biomedicine Nmr Biomed 0952-3480 165 3.1999 2.4002 2.7001
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology J Vasc Interv Radiol 1051-0443 223 3.1999 2.1001 2.6002
Radiation Research Radiat Res 0033-7587 101 2.7001 2.2000 2.5000
Annals of Nuclear Medicine Ann Nucl Med 0914-7187 64 2.3000 2.3000 2.5000
Neuroradiology Neuroradiology 0028-3940 132 2.6002 2.3000 2.4002
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Ultrasound Med Biol 0301-5629 240 2.8997 2.2000 2.4002
Zeitschrift Fur Medizinische Physik Z Med Phys 0939-3889 42 3.5000 2.2000 2.4002
Clinical Neuroradiology Clin Neuroradiol 1869-1439 84 2.5000 2.3000 2.4002
Ultrasonography Ultrasonography 2288-5919 41 2.7001 2.2000 2.4002
Dose-Response Dose-Response 1559-3258 52 2.5000 2.2000 2.3000
Journal of Neuroimaging J Neuroimaging 1051-2284 96 2.3000 2.2000 2.3000
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int J Comput Ass Rad 1861-6410 238 3.1000 2.1001 2.3000
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences J Innov Opt Heal Sci 1793-5458 57 2.2000 1.4999 2.3000
Abdominal Radiology Abdom Radiol 2366-004X 318 2.6002 2.1001 2.3000
Clinical and Translational Imaging Clin Transl Imaging 2281-5872 45 1.9999 2.1001 2.3000
Molecular Imaging Mol Imaging 1536-0121 9 2.7001 2.2000 2.2000
Radiologic Clinics of North America Radiol Clin N Am 0033-8389 76 2.1001 2.1001 2.1001
Radiology and Oncology Radiol Oncol 1318-2099 60 2.8002 1.9999 2.1001

