

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Genome Research Genome Res 1088-9051 132 8.4001 6.1004 6.2001
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B J Zhejiang Univ-Sc B 1673-1581 68 4.0998 4.0000 4.7003
Gene Therapy Gene Ther 0969-7128 44 4.2997 4.3997 4.6000
Process Biochemistry Process Biochem 1359-5113 334 3.9003 3.5999 3.7001
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Mol Plant Microbe In 0894-0282 72 3.5000 3.1000 3.1999
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry Biotechnol Appl Bioc 0885-4513 109 2.9997 3.1999 3.1999
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Appl Biochem Biotech 0273-2289 496 2.8997 2.9997 3.1000
Mammalian Genome Mamm Genome 0938-8990 43 2.6002 2.5000 2.7001
Transgenic Research Transgenic Res 0962-8819 41 2.4002 2.6002 2.7001
Protein Engineering Design & Selection Protein Eng Des Sel 1741-0126 24 1.9999 2.6002 2.6002
International Journal of Genomics Int J Genomics 2314-436X 32 2.6002 2.6002 2.6002
Molecular Biotechnology Mol Biotechnol 1073-6085 355 2.6002 2.4002 2.4002
Molecular and Cellular Probes Mol Cell Probe 0890-8508 50 2.3000 2.3000 2.3000
Yeast Yeast 0749-503X 51 2.8002 1.9999 2.2000
Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology Prep Biochem Biotech 1082-6068 108 2.4002 1.9002 1.9999
Genes & Genomics Genes Genom 1976-9571 114 1.7001 1.4999 1.6000
Protein Expression and Purification Protein Expres Purif 1046-5928 102 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000
Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Biosci Biotech Bioch 0916-8451 177 1.9002 1.3000 1.4000
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation Biocatal Biotransfor 1024-2422 37 1.7998 1.4000 1.4000

