

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Pineal Research J Pineal Res 0742-3098 57 10.2000 7.8996 8.3001
Journal of Physiology-London J Physiol-London 0022-3751 303 5.3999 4.3997 4.7003
Psychophysiology Psychophysiology 0048-5772 234 3.8001 2.6002 2.8997
Chemical Senses Chem Senses 0379-864X 42 3.1999 2.6002 2.8002
Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology Neurophysiol Clin 0987-7053 42 3.1000 2.5000 2.7001
International Journal of Psychophysiology Int J Psychophysiol 0167-8760 92 2.8997 2.4002 2.5000
Journal of Neurophysiology J Neurophysiol 0022-3077 252 2.5000 1.9002 2.1001
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology J Electromyogr Kines 1050-6411 62 2.4002 1.7998 1.9999
Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology J Comp Physiol A 0340-7594 71 1.7998 1.6000 1.9002
Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions J Musculoskel Neuron 1108-7161 49 2.2000 1.7001 1.7001
Neurophysiology Neurophysiology+ 0090-2977 8 0.8000 0.5999 0.5999
Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ 0044-4677 57 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000

