

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 非自引分 - IFoid -
World Psychiatry World Psychiatry 1723-8617 20 63.7986 67.9023 73.3023
Lancet Psychiatry Lancet Psychiat 2215-0374 64 44.5991 63.6981 64.2981
JAMA Psychiatry Jama Psychiat 2168-622X 112 24.0000 25.3008 25.8005
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Psychother Psychosom 0033-3190 20 18.7999 21.3993 22.8000
American Journal of Psychiatry Am J Psychiat 0002-953X 63 17.8000 17.1995 17.7000
Molecular Psychiatry Mol Psychiatr 1359-4184 455 11.9008 10.5006 11.0003
Biological Psychiatry Biol Psychiat 0006-3223 167 11.9008 10.3005 10.6002
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry J Am Acad Child Psy 0890-8567 77 11.9008 13.0992 13.3003
Brain Behavior and Immunity Brain Behav Immun 0889-1591 202 11.5003 14.8000 15.1004
British Journal of Psychiatry Brit J Psychiat 0007-1250 67 11.1000 10.3005 10.5006
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry J Neurol Neurosur Ps 0022-3050 153 10.7004 10.7997 11.0003
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry J Child Psychol Psyc 0021-9630 124 9.0002 7.2002 7.6001
Current Psychiatry Reports Curr Psychiat Rep 1523-3812 91 8.9006 6.5005 6.7000
Journal of Behavioral Addictions J Behav Addict 2062-5871 74 8.9006 7.2002 7.8001
Schizophrenia Bulletin Schizophrenia Bull 0586-7614 140 8.1000 6.2001 6.6002
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences Epidemiol Psych Sci 2045-7960 71 8.1000 8.0000 8.1000
Neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmacol 0893-133X 197 7.8996 7.4001 7.6001
Journal of Abnormal Psychology J Abnorm Psychol 0021-843X 0 7.8001 4.6000 4.6000
Journal of Anxiety Disorders J Anxiety Disord 0887-6185 80 7.8001 9.9995 10.3005
Psychological Medicine Psychol Med 0033-2917 581 7.6001 6.6002 6.9002
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Psychiat Clin Neuros 1323-1316 74 7.6001 11.3997 11.9008
Depression and Anxiety Depress Anxiety 1091-4269 60 7.4996 7.3003 7.4001
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Acta Psychiat Scand 0001-690X 98 7.1000 6.5005 6.7000
Translational Psychiatry Transl Psychiat 2158-3188 498 6.9997 6.6002 6.7996
European Psychiatry Eur Psychiat 0924-9338 83 6.7000 7.4996 7.8001
Biological Psychiatry-Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Biol Psychiat-Cogn N 2451-9022 102 6.5005 5.8000 5.9003
Addiction Addiction 0965-2140 195 6.3996 5.5999 5.9998
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Int J Ment Health Ad 1557-1874 273 6.3996 7.8001 8.0000
Journal of Affective Disorders J Affect Disorders 0165-0327 1291 6.2998 6.2001 6.6002
Current Opinion in Psychiatry Curr Opin Psychiatr 0951-7367 55 6.2998 6.7996 6.9002
Asian Journal of Psychiatry Asian J Psychiatr 1876-2018 196 6.2998 9.0002 9.4998
Clinical Psychological Science Clin Psychol Sci 2167-7026 58 6.2998 4.7003 4.8003
CNS Drugs Cns Drugs 1172-7047 79 6.2001 5.8000 5.9998
Psychiatry Research Psychiat Res 0165-1781 472 6.2001 11.1000 11.2997
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Eur Child Adoles Psy 1018-8827 172 6.2001 6.1004 6.3996
Body Image Body Image 1740-1445 157 5.9998 3.7001 5.2002
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar Disord 1398-5647 40 5.8000 5.0002 5.3999
International Journal of Social Psychiatry Int J Soc Psychiatr 0020-7640 115 5.8000 7.4001 7.4996
Revista de Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental Rev Psiquiatr Salud 1888-9891 20 5.8000 8.9006 9.2003
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Am J Geriat Psychiat 1064-7481 97 5.6998 6.9002 7.2002
Harvard Review of Psychiatry Harvard Rev Psychiat 1067-3229 32 5.6998 3.8001 3.8001
Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy Psychol Trauma-Us 1942-9681 256 5.5999 6.1004 6.2998
European Journal of Psychotraumatology Eur J Psychotraumato 2000-8198 162 5.5999 4.3997 5.0002
General Hospital Psychiatry Gen Hosp Psychiat 0163-8343 73 5.5002 6.7996 6.9997
JIMR Mental Health Jmir Ment Health 2368-7959 99 5.5002 5.0002 5.2002
International Journal of Eating Disorders Int J Eat Disorder 0276-3478 196 5.3999 4.8003 5.5002
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry J Clin Psychiat 0160-6689 126 5.2999 5.2002 5.2999
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry Prog Neuro-Psychoph 0278-5846 130 5.2999 5.5002 5.5999
npj Schizophrenia Npj Schizophr 2334-265X 0 5.2999 5.3999 5.3999
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry Braz J Psychiat 1516-4446 67 5.2999 5.3999 5.5002

