

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Sustainable Cities and Society Sustain Cities Soc 2210-6707 741 9.9995 9.1005 10.5006
Construction and Building Materials Constr Build Mater 0950-0618 4087 8.0000 5.5999 7.4001
Building and Environment Build Environ 0360-1323 954 7.2002 5.6998 7.1000
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Tunn Undergr Sp Tech 0886-7798 521 7.4001 5.5002 6.7000
Journal of Building Engineering J Build Eng 2352-7102 2525 6.7996 5.6998 6.7000
Energy and Buildings Energ Buildings 0378-7788 924 6.7000 5.6998 6.6002
Building Simulation Build Simul-China 1996-3599 123 5.2002 5.0002 6.1004
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials J Sustain Cem-Based 2165-0373 77 5.2002 3.4000 4.7003
Structural Control & Health Monitoring Struct Control Hlth 1545-2255 143 5.5002 4.1998 4.6000
Indoor Air Indoor Air 0905-6947 41 4.9000 4.1998 4.2997
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management J Constr Eng M 0733-9364 211 4.8003 3.5999 4.0998
Journal of Constructional Steel Research J Constr Steel Res 0143-974X 558 4.1998 3.3000 4.0000
Steel and Composite Structures Steel Compos Struct 1229-9367 206 3.5999 3.4000 4.0000
Building Research and Information Build Res Inf 0961-3218 68 4.0998 3.4000 3.7001
Journal of Structural Engineering J Struct Eng 0733-9445 262 3.9003 3.4000 3.7001
Leukos Leukos 1550-2724 14 2.9997 2.4002 2.6002
Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce [更名/剔除] J Struct Eng-Asce 0733-9445 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-Asce [更名/剔除] J Constr Eng M Asce 0733-9364 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

