

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Renew Sust Energ Rev 1364-0321 925 16.8008 15.4997 16.3001
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology Environ Sci Ecotech 2666-4984 78 13.1995 13.7000 13.9993
Sustainable Production and Consumption Sustain Prod Consump 2352-5509 296 10.3005 10.4002 10.8997
Green Energy & Environment Green Energy Environ 2096-2797 130 10.1001 10.1001 10.7004
Sustainable Cities and Society Sustain Cities Soc 2210-6707 741 9.9995 9.1005 10.5006
Sustainable Development Sustain Dev 0968-0802 368 10.6002 8.3001 9.8996
Journal of Cleaner Production J Clean Prod 0959-6526 4412 10.2000 9.0002 9.7004
Renewable Energy Renew Energ 0960-1481 1599 8.1000 8.1996 9.0002
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Ieee T Sustain Energ 1949-3029 184 8.6000 8.1000 8.6000
Sustainable Materials and Technologies Sustain Mater Techno 2214-9937 237 9.4998 8.1996 8.6000
ChemSusChem Chemsuschem 1864-5631 507 8.4001 7.3003 7.4996
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Acs Sustain Chem Eng 2168-0485 1665 7.8996 6.7000 7.1000
Journal of Sustainable Tourism J Sustain Tour 0966-9582 98 9.4998 6.2001 6.9002
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Curr Opin Env Sust 1877-3435 102 8.6999 6.3996 6.6002
Agronomy for Sustainable Development Agron Sustain Dev 1774-0746 80 7.8996 5.9998 6.3996
Sustainability Science Sustain Sci 1862-4065 147 6.7996 4.6000 5.1000
Journal of Industrial Ecology J Ind Ecol 1088-1980 86 6.2998 4.6000 4.9000
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Int J Greenh Gas Con 1750-5836 151 4.2997 4.2997 4.6000
Energy for Sustainable Development Energy Sustain Dev 0973-0826 175 4.7003 4.0998 4.3997

