

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics Int J Radiat Oncol 0360-3016 320 6.1004 5.9998 6.3996
Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother Oncol 0167-8140 360 5.3999 4.3997 4.9000
Cancer Imaging Cancer Imaging 1740-5025 122 4.2997 3.4000 3.5000
Practical Radiation Oncology Pract Radiat Oncol 1879-8500 109 2.8997 3.1999 3.4000
Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology Phys Imag Radiat Onc 2405-6316 115 3.4000 2.6002 3.4000
Radiation Oncology Radiat Oncol 1748-717X 194 3.5999 3.1000 3.3000
International Journal of Hyperthermia Int J Hyperther 0265-6736 137 3.1000 2.6002 2.9997
Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie Strahlenther Onkol 0179-7158 110 2.8002 2.1001 2.7001
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology Clin Transl Rad Onco 2405-6308 139 3.3000 2.6002 2.7001
Seminars in Radiation Oncology Semin Radiat Oncol 1053-4296 46 4.2997 2.6002 2.6002
Advances in Radiation Oncology Adv Radiat Oncol 2452-1094 144 2.4002 2.1001 2.2000
Radiology and Oncology Radiol Oncol 1318-2099 60 2.8002 1.9999 2.1001
International Journal of Particle Therapy Int J Part Ther 2331-5180 22 2.3000 1.9999 2.1001
Journal of Breast Imaging J Breast Imaging 2631-6110 76 1.7998 1.4000 1.9999
Journal of Radiation Research J Radiat Res 0449-3060 113 1.9999 1.7998 1.9002
Brachytherapy Brachytherapy 1538-4721 101 1.7998 1.3000 1.7001
Cancer Radiotherapie Cancer Radiother 1278-3218 108 1.2001 1.3000 1.4999
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy Rep Pract Oncol Radi 1507-1367 86 1.4000 1.0000 1.2001
Medical Dosimetry Med Dosim 0958-3947 51 1.2001 1.0000 1.1001
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy J Contemp Brachyther 1689-832X 50 1.3000 0.9000 1.1001

