

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Machine Intelligence Nat Mach Intell 2522-5839 129 26.3997 18.2996 18.7999
Medical Image Analysis Med Image Anal 1361-8415 256 11.9008 10.1001 10.7004
Applied Soft Computing Appl Soft Comput 1568-4946 1011 6.9997 6.6002 7.2002
Machine Learning-Science and Technology Mach Learn-Sci Techn 2632-2153 194 6.3996 5.9003 6.2998
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Integr Comput-Aid E 1069-2509 24 3.4000 4.2997 5.8000
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction Mach Learn Know Extr 2504-4990 92 4.0000 3.8001 4.0000
Computational Linguistics Comput Linguist 0891-2017 23 4.1998 3.5000 3.7001
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence Int J Interact Multi 1989-1660 89 2.8002 2.7001 3.4000
Soft Computing Soft Comput 1432-7643 1568 3.1999 2.8997 3.1000
Artificial Intelligence and Law Artif Intell Law 0924-8463 39 3.5999 2.7001 3.1000
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems Int J Comput Int Sys 1875-6891 198 2.2000 2.4002 2.5000
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Stat Anal Data Min 1932-1864 35 1.7998 2.1001 2.1001
AI Edam-Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing Ai Edam 0890-0604 25 1.7001 1.3000 1.7001
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools Int J Artif Intell T 0218-2130 78 1.1001 0.9000 1.0000

