

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Journal of Adhesion J Adhesion 0021-8464 89 2.600 2.400 2.900
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Technol Anal Strateg 0953-7325 192 3.500 2.600 2.900
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning J Environ Pol Plan 1523-908X 32 3.900 2.800 2.900
Journal of Mental Health J Ment Health 0963-8237 51 3.700 2.700 2.900
Behaviour & Information Technology Behav Inform Technol 0144-929X 216 3.700 2.600 2.900
Human Performance Hum Perform 0895-9285 11 3.500 2.900 2.900
Materials Technology Mater Technol 1066-7857 45 2.900 2.600 2.900
Applied Artificial Intelligence Appl Artif Intell 0883-9514 106 3.000 2.900 2.900
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines Mech Based Des Struc 1539-7734 233 3.600 2.500 2.900
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice Int J Psychiat Clin 1365-1501 18 3.000 2.900 2.900
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Phys Educ Sport Peda 1740-8989 56 4.200 2.600 2.900
Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine Expert Rev Resp Med 1747-6348 97 3.800 2.900 2.900
Journal of Medical Economics J Med Econ 1369-6998 143 2.900 2.600 2.900
Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension J Agric Educ Ext 1389-224X 30 2.900 2.400 2.900
International Journal of Urban Sciences Int J Urban Sci 1226-5934 18 2.600 2.800 2.900
International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research Int Rev Retail Distr 0959-3969 27 3.200 2.700 2.900
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration Int J Hosp Tour Adm 1525-6480 25 3.100 2.900 2.900
Aerosol Science and Technology Aerosol Sci Tech 0278-6826 94 3.400 2.500 2.800
Connective Tissue Research Connect Tissue Res 0300-8207 28 3.300 2.800 2.800
Housing Policy Debate Hous Policy Debate 1051-1482 38 3.000 2.400 2.800
Journal of Personality Assessment J Pers Assess 0022-3891 51 3.600 2.600 2.800
Aging & Mental Health Aging Ment Health 1360-7863 181 3.400 2.700 2.800
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems J Intell Transport S 1547-2450 36 3.500 2.600 2.800
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications Numer Heat Tr A-Appl 1040-7782 409 2.600 1.900 2.800
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies J Ethn Migr Stud 1369-183X 234 4.200 2.500 2.800
School Effectiveness and School Improvement Sch Eff Sch Improv 0924-3453 14 3.700 2.800 2.800
Journal of Education Policy J Educ Policy 0268-0939 36 3.500 2.500 2.800
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods Toxicol Mech Method 1537-6516 64 3.400 2.800 2.800
Journalism Studies Journalism Stud 1461-670X 121 3.500 2.400 2.800
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Emerg Mark Financ Tr 1540-496X 218 3.200 2.600 2.800
Journal of Natural Fibers J Nat Fibers 1544-0478 288 3.400 2.500 2.800
Carbon Management Carbon Manag 1758-3004 31 4.100 2.700 2.800
Plant Signaling & Behavior Plant Signal Behav 1559-2316 102 3.400 2.800 2.800
Accounting Forum Account Forum 0155-9982 32 4.000 2.500 2.800
Journal of Taibah University for Science J Taibah Univ Sci 1658-3655 120 2.900 2.600 2.800
Venture Capital Ventur Cap 1369-1066 35 3.900 1.900 2.800
Science and Medicine in Football Sci Med Football 2473-3938 39 2.800 2.600 2.800
School Leadership & Management Sch Leadersh Manag 1363-2434 35 4.300 2.200 2.800
Journal of Decision Systems J Decis Syst 1246-0125 35 2.700 2.200 2.800
European Journal for Sport and Society Eur J Sport Soc 1613-8171 14 2.900 2.600 2.800
International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine Int J Vet Sci Med 2314-4580 10 3.600 2.700 2.800
Science and Technology of Archaeological Research Sci Technol Archaeol 2054-8923 5 3.500 2.800 2.800
Hydrological Sciences Journal Hydrolog Sci J 0262-6667 147 3.900 2.700 2.800
Accountability in Research-Ethics Integrity and Policy Account Res 0898-9621 53 3.500 2.400 2.800
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics J Biomol Struct Dyn 0739-1102 1466 3.200 2.200 2.700
Psychiatry-Interpersonal and Biological Processes Psychiatry 0033-2747 24 2.500 2.600 2.700
Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs Expert Opin Emerg Dr 1472-8214 24 2.900 2.700 2.700
Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol 0284-186X 210 3.700 2.500 2.700
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering Nanosc Microsc Therm 1556-7265 16 3.000 2.600 2.700
Aging Male Aging Male 1368-5538 32 2.600 2.300 2.700

