

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
BMC Molecular Biology [更名/剔除] Bmc Mol Biol 1471-2199 0 3.3750 4.6191 4.6191
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [更名/剔除] Int J Env Res Pub He 1661-7827 13064 4.7977 3.9939 4.6141
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry [更名/剔除] Adv Organomet Chem 0065-3055 10 4.1461 4.5003 4.5504
BMC Biochemistry [更名/剔除] Bmc Biochem 1471-2091 0 2.6332 4.5003 4.5003
International Review of Neurobiology [更名/剔除] Int Rev Neurobiol 0074-7742 51 4.5372 4.2799 4.2799
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews [更名/剔除] Biotechnol Genet Eng 0264-8725 0 5.1544 4.1998 4.1998
Advances in the Study of Behavior [更名/剔除] Adv Stud Behav 0065-3454 5 4.6183 4.0906 4.0906
Waves in Random and Complex Media [更名/剔除] Wave Random Complex 1745-5030 447 3.7840 2.9340 4.0509
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science [更名/剔除] Prog Mol Biol Transl 1877-1173 86 5.2826 4.0000 4.0250
Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques [更名/剔除] Hydrolog Sci J 0262-6667 156 3.8788 3.7181 3.9421
Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research更名alcohol-Clinical and Experimental Research [更名/剔除] Alcohol Clin Exp Res 0145-6008 201 4.2989 3.5522 3.9279
ACS Combinatorial Science [更名/剔除] Acs Comb Sci 2156-8952 0 3.6373 3.9033 3.9033
Solid State Physics [更名/剔除] Solid State Phys 0081-1947 6 6.5005 3.7001 3.9003
Advances in Genetics [更名/剔除] Adv Genet 0065-2660 13 5.0002 3.8001 3.8803
Applied Nanoscience [更名/剔除] Appl Nanosci 2190-5509 496 4.2878 3.5879 3.8692
Journal of Healthcare Engineering [更名/剔除] J Healthc Eng 2040-2295 822 3.8448 3.6452 3.8220
Journal of Nanomaterials [更名/剔除] J Nanomater 1687-4110 207 3.4987 3.6958 3.7913
Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry [更名/剔除] Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi 0065-2318 6 6.9997 3.5711 3.7138
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing [更名/剔除] J Amb Intel Hum Comp 1868-5137 911 3.7181 3.0962 3.6622
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology [更名/剔除] Adv Exp Med Biol 0065-2598 1113 3.6338 3.6048 3.6501
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry [更名/剔除] Adv Heterocycl Chem 0065-2725 16 3.8301 3.4553 3.6062
Advances in Insect Physiology [更名/剔除] Adv Insect Physiol 0065-2806 8 3.8751 3.5999 3.5999
Disease Markers [更名/剔除] Dis Markers 0278-0240 241 3.6973 3.3939 3.4642
BMC Ecology [更名/剔除] Bmc Ecol 1472-6785 0 3.4313 3.3683 3.3683
Biomed Research International [更名/剔除] Biomed Res Int 2314-6133 1764 3.7673 3.1928 3.2457
Advances in Marine Biology [更名/剔除] Adv Mar Biol 0065-2881 9 4.4320 2.8973 3.1720
Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics [更名/剔除] J Polym Sci Pol Phys 0887-6266 0 2.8092 3.1513 3.1513
Frontiers of Hormone Research [更名/剔除] Front Horm Res 0301-3073 0 3.2202 3.1429 3.1429
Advances in Parasitology [更名/剔除] Adv Parasit 0065-308X 19 6.4307 3.0803 3.1249
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience [更名/剔除] Comput Intel Neurosc 1687-5265 488 3.8773 2.9897 3.1198
Advances in Computers [更名/剔除] Adv Comput 0065-2458 46 2.7060 3.0499 3.0670
Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance [更名/剔除] Account Res 0898-9621 49 2.9211 2.7001 3.0568
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging [更名/剔除] Contrast Media Mol I 1555-4309 110 3.3179 2.9562 3.0091
Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics [更名/剔除] Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy 1049-250X 4 3.9383 2.9997 2.9997
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry [更名/剔除] Adv Inorg Chem 0898-8838 19 2.8790 2.9297 2.9297
Advances in Botanical Research [更名/剔除] Adv Bot Res 0065-2296 44 3.4129 2.7700 2.8778
Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry [更名/剔除] J Polym Sci Pol Chem 0887-624X 0 2.5590 2.8687 2.8687
Digital Investigation [更名/剔除] Digit Invest 1742-2876 0 2.8742 2.8603 2.8603
Reviews in Computational Chemistry [更名/剔除] Rev Comp Ch 1069-3599 0 6.5005 2.8331 2.8331
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine [更名/剔除] Comput Math Method M 1748-670X 368 2.8869 2.7112 2.8092
Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology [更名/剔除] Adv Biochem Eng Biot 0724-6145 37 2.9692 2.7682 2.7682
Psychiatria Danubina [更名/剔除] Psychiat Danub 0353-5053 351 2.0248 2.0829 2.6961
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences [更名/剔除] Asian Austral J Anim 1011-2367 0 2.8158 2.6937 2.6937
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine [更名/剔除] Evid-Based Compl Alt 1741-427X 1405 3.0141 2.4018 2.6498
Methods in Microbiology [更名/剔除] Method Microbiol 0580-9517 0 1.9251 2.6498 2.6498
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry [更名/剔除] Annu Rep Med Chem 0065-7743 15 2.7299 2.6281 2.6281
Progress in Brain Research [更名/剔除] Prog Brain Res 0079-6123 109 3.4608 2.3670 2.6241
Food Science and Technology [更名/剔除] Food Sci Tech-Brazil 0101-2061 240 2.9680 2.2538 2.6019
Vitamins and Hormones [更名/剔除] Vitam Horm 0083-6729 48 3.2688 2.2471 2.2471
Helgoland Marine Research [更名/剔除] Helgoland Mar Res 1438-387X 9 2.0561 2.1298 2.2168

