Presse Medicale [更名/剔除]
Presse Med |
0755-4982 |
36 |
1.7001 |
3.1999 |
3.1999 |
International Journal of Medical Sciences [更名/剔除]
Int J Med Sci |
1449-1907 |
165 |
3.4000 |
3.1999 |
3.1999 |
Italian Journal of Pediatrics [更名/剔除]
Ital J Pediatr |
1720-8424 |
155 |
3.1999 |
2.8002 |
3.1999 |
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction [更名/剔除]
Int J Ment Health Ad |
1557-1874 |
223 |
4.7003 |
2.9997 |
3.1999 |
Current Research in Translational Medicine [更名/剔除]
Curr Res Transl Med |
2452-3186 |
25 |
3.1999 |
2.9997 |
3.1999 |
Journal of Gastric Cancer [更名/剔除]
J Gastric Cancer |
2093-582X |
37 |
2.8002 |
2.7001 |
3.1999 |
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities [更名/剔除]
J Racial Ethn Health |
2197-3792 |
395 |
3.5000 |
2.9997 |
3.1999 |
Kidney Diseases [更名/剔除]
Kidney Dis-Basel |
2296-9381 |
44 |
3.5000 |
3.1999 |
3.1999 |
Archives of Public Health [更名/剔除]
Arch Public Health |
0778-7367 |
198 |
3.3000 |
3.1000 |
3.1999 |
European Urology Open Science [更名/剔除]
Eur Urol Open Sci |
2666-1691 |
135 |
3.1999 |
3.1000 |
3.1999 |
Human Immunology [更名/剔除]
Hum Immunol |
0198-8859 |
70 |
2.3000 |
2.9997 |
3.1000 |
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology [更名/剔除]
N-S Arch Pharmacol |
0028-1298 |
513 |
3.1000 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Neurocritical Care [更名/剔除]
Neurocrit Care |
1541-6933 |
171 |
3.1999 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
Medical Decision Making [更名/剔除]
Med Decis Making |
0272-989X |
63 |
3.3000 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine [更名/剔除]
Clin Geriatr Med |
0749-0690 |
44 |
4.6000 |
3.1000 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Health Communication [更名/剔除]
J Health Commun |
1081-0730 |
110 |
4.0998 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
International Braz J Urol [更名/剔除]
Int Braz J Urol |
1677-5538 |
54 |
2.3000 |
2.3000 |
3.1000 |
Asaio Journal [更名/剔除]
Asaio J |
1058-2916 |
228 |
2.8002 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
European Journal of Emergency Medicine [更名/剔除]
Eur J Emerg Med |
0969-9546 |
39 |
2.6002 |
2.3000 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery [更名/剔除]
J Cutan Med Surg |
1203-4754 |
50 |
2.4002 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie [更名/剔除]
Ann Dermatol Vener |
0151-9638 |
25 |
1.0000 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials [更名/剔除]
J Appl Biomater Func |
2280-8000 |
30 |
3.5000 |
2.9997 |
3.1000 |
Infectious Agents and Cancer [更名/剔除]
Infect Agents Cancer |
1750-9378 |
78 |
3.3000 |
2.9997 |
3.1000 |
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy [更名/剔除]
Braz J Phys Ther |
1413-3555 |
50 |
3.5999 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Current Cardiology Reports [更名/剔除]
Curr Cardiol Rep |
1523-3782 |
179 |
3.3000 |
3.1000 |
3.1000 |
Hong Kong Medical Journal [更名/剔除]
Hong Kong Med J |
1024-2708 |
36 |
2.4002 |
2.4002 |
3.1000 |
npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine [更名/剔除]
Npj Prim Care Resp M |
2055-1010 |
34 |
3.1000 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Archives of Osteoporosis [更名/剔除]
Arch Osteoporos |
1862-3522 |
131 |
2.9997 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
Conflict and Health [更名/剔除]
Confl Health |
1752-1505 |
57 |
3.5999 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy [更名/剔除]
Appl Health Econ Hea |
1175-5652 |
64 |
2.9997 |
2.9997 |
3.1000 |
International Journal of Health Policy and Management [更名/剔除]
Int J Health Policy |
2322-5939 |
69 |
3.8001 |
2.5000 |
3.1000 |
JIMR Medical Informatics [更名/剔除]
Jmir Med Inf |
2291-9694 |
83 |
3.5000 |
3.1000 |
3.1000 |
Immunity Inflammation and Disease [更名/剔除]
Immun Inflamm Dis |
2050-4527 |
344 |
2.8997 |
2.9997 |
3.1000 |
International Journal of Implant Dentistry [更名/剔除]
Int J Implant Dent |
2198-4034 |
50 |
3.5000 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
BMC Nursing [更名/剔除]
Bmc Nurs |
1472-6955 |
482 |
3.5000 |
2.8002 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Neurorestoratology [更名/剔除]
J Neurorestoratology |
2324-2426 |
21 |
2.7001 |
2.8997 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical Lab [更名/剔除]
J Mass Spectrom Adv |
2667-145X |
32 |
3.1000 |
3.1000 |
3.1000 |
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia [更名/剔除]
J Mammary Gland Biol |
1083-3021 |
21 |
2.7001 |
2.8002 |
2.9997 |
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology [更名/剔除]
Infect Cont Hosp Ep |
0899-823X |
234 |
3.1000 |
2.8002 |
2.9997 |
Current Problems in Cardiology [更名/剔除]
Curr Prob Cardiology |
0146-2806 |
583 |
3.5000 |
2.8002 |
2.9997 |
Epigenomics [更名/剔除]
Epigenomics-Uk |
1750-1911 |
93 |
3.4000 |
2.8002 |
2.9997 |
Biomedical Microdevices [更名/剔除]
Biomed Microdevices |
1387-2176 |
42 |
3.4000 |
2.8997 |
2.9997 |
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology [更名/剔除]
Biomech Model Mechan |
1617-7959 |
117 |
3.1000 |
2.7001 |
2.9997 |
Molecular Imaging and Biology [更名/剔除]
Mol Imaging Biol |
1536-1632 |
84 |
2.7001 |
2.8997 |
2.9997 |
Current Drug Targets [更名/剔除]
Curr Drug Targets |
1389-4501 |
94 |
3.3000 |
2.9997 |
2.9997 |
Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Ther Drug |
0743-4863 |
17 |
3.5000 |
2.6002 |
2.9997 |
Dermatology [更名/剔除]
Dermatology |
1018-8665 |
109 |
3.9003 |
2.8997 |
2.9997 |
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology [更名/剔除]
Int J Immunopath Ph |
0394-6320 |
77 |
2.9997 |
2.9997 |
2.9997 |
Future Oncology [更名/剔除]
Future Oncol |
1479-6694 |
261 |
2.8997 |
2.8997 |
2.9997 |
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology [更名/剔除]
Regul Toxicol Pharm |
0273-2300 |
143 |
3.1000 |
2.7001 |
2.9997 |