期刊 | 期刊缩写 | ISSN | 文章数/年 - | 5年平均分 - | 非自引分 - | IFoid - |
Chemical Engineering Journal [更名/剔除] | Chem Eng J | 1385-8947 | 7288 | 13.1995 | 12.1005 | 13.3003 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials [更名/剔除] | J Hazard Mater | 0304-3894 | 2490 | 11.9008 | 11.3997 | 12.2004 |
Water Research [更名/剔除] | Water Res | 0043-1354 | 1329 | 12.2004 | 10.5006 | 11.3997 |
Resources Conservation and Recycling [更名/剔除] | Resour Conserv Recy | 0921-3449 | 421 | 12.1005 | 10.7004 | 11.2003 |
Journal of Cleaner Production [更名/剔除] | J Clean Prod | 0959-6526 | 4412 | 10.2000 | 9.0002 | 9.7004 |
Applied Catalysis B-Environmental [更名/剔除] | Appl Catal B-Environ | 0926-3373 | 1029 | 19.7005 | 20.6995 | 22.1005 |