

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nano Express [更名/剔除] Nano Express 2632-959X 38 2.7001 2.6002 2.7001
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience [更名/剔除] J Exp Nanosci 1745-8080 35 2.6002 2.5000 2.6002
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Beilstein J Nanotech 2190-4286 95 2.8997 2.3000 2.6002
Chemnanomat [更名/剔除] Chemnanomat 2199-692X 167 2.8997 2.6002 2.6002
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications [更名/剔除] Photonic Nanostruct 1569-4410 77 2.6002 2.4002 2.5000
Nano Futures [更名/剔除] Nano Futures 2399-1984 23 2.5000 2.4002 2.5000
Journal of Nanoparticle Research [更名/剔除] J Nanopart Res 1388-0764 255 2.2000 1.9999 2.1001
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Ieee T Nanotechnol 1536-125X 109 2.3000 1.9999 2.1001
Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures [更名/剔除] Fuller Nanotub Car N 1536-383X 135 2.3000 1.4999 2.1001
Recent Patents on Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Recent Pat Nanotech 1872-2105 29 2.2000 1.7998 1.9999
IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Ieee Open J Nanotech 2644-1292 22 1.9999 1.7001 1.7998
Advances in Natural Sciences-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Adv Nat Sci-Nanosci 2043-6254 73 0.0000 1.4000 1.7001
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems [更名/剔除] Microsyst Technol 0946-7076 158 1.6000 1.4000 1.6000
Micro & Nano Letters [更名/剔除] Micro Nano Lett 1750-0443 26 1.1001 1.4999 1.4999
Journal of Micro-Nanopatterning Materials and Metrology-Jm3 [更名/剔除] J Micro-Nanopattern 1932-5150 56 1.4999 1.3000 1.4999
Current Nanoscience [更名/剔除] Curr Nanosci 1573-4137 69 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000
AIP Advances [更名/剔除] Aip Adv 2158-3226 1562 1.4000 1.3000 1.4000
Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures [更名/剔除] Dig J Nanomater Bios 1842-3582 139 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000
Nano [更名/剔除] Nano 1793-2920 120 1.1001 1.0000 1.0000
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State [更名/剔除] Phys Chem Solid Stat 1729-4428 124 0.7000 0.7000 0.9000
Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering [更名/剔除] J Laser Micro Nanoen 1880-0688 32 0.9000 0.7000 0.8000
Journal of Nano Research [更名/剔除] J Nano Res-Sw 1662-5250 45 1.1001 0.8000 0.8000
International Journal of Nanotechnology [更名/剔除] Int J Nanotechnol 1475-7435 56 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000
Science of Advanced Materials [更名/剔除] Sci Adv Mater 1947-2935 230 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000
Materials Express [更名/剔除] Mater Express 2158-5849 180 0.9000 0.7000 0.7000

