

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 非自引分 - IFoid -
ACS Es&t Engineering Acs Est Eng 2690-0645 210 7.1000 6.7000 7.1000
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry J Med Chem 0022-2623 945 7.3003 6.5005 7.3003
ACS Photonics Acs Photonics 2330-4022 476 7.3003 6.6002 6.9997
Jacs Au Jacs Au 2691-3704 255 8.0000 7.7002 8.0000
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Acs Sustain Chem Eng 2168-0485 1616 8.6999 8.0000 8.4001
ACS Sensors Acs Sensors 2379-3694 405 9.0002 8.6000 8.9006
Chemistry of Materials Chem Mater 0897-4756 1003 9.5998 8.1000 8.6000
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Acs Appl Mater Inter 1944-8244 5651 9.5998 8.9006 9.4998
Environmental Science & Technology Letters Environ Sci Tech Let 2328-8930 166 10.8997 10.5006 10.8997
Nano Letters Nano Lett 1530-6984 1293 11.2003 10.5006 10.7997
ACS Materials Letters Acs Mater Lett 2639-4979 303 11.3997 11.0003 11.3997
Environmental Science & Technology Environ Sci Technol 0013-936X 1678 11.9996 10.3005 11.3997
ACS Catalysis Acs Catal 2155-5435 1521 13.3003 12.1005 12.9002
Accounts of Materials Research Accounts Mater Res 2643-6728 107 14.6001 14.4003 14.6001
Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc 0002-7863 2556 15.1004 14.1006 14.9998
ACS Nano Acs Nano 1936-0851 1936 17.0997 16.4006 17.0997
ACS Central Science Acs Central Sci 2374-7943 157 17.0997 18.1003 18.1997
Accounts of Chemical Research Accounts Chem Res 0001-4842 314 21.1001 18.1003 18.2996
ACS Energy Letters Acs Energy Lett 2380-8195 513 21.9003 20.8991 21.9991
Chemical Reviews Chem Rev 0009-2665 309 66.4990 61.4008 62.0991

