

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment Nat Rev Earth Env 2662-138X 55 54.5003 49.3017 49.6980
Nature Climate Change Nat Clim Change 1758-678X 145 31.1013 28.9995 29.6011
Reviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys 8755-1209 18 32.5015 25.0997 25.2001
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine Ieee Geosc Rem Sen M 2473-2397 28 15.6006 15.9004 16.2000
Nature Geoscience Nat Geosci 1752-0894 165 18.7999 15.3992 15.7001
Annual Review of Marine Science Annu Rev Mar Sci 1941-1405 21 15.4997 14.2006 14.2994
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Annu Rev Earth Pl Sc 0084-6597 25 14.2006 11.2003 11.2997
Earth System Science Data Earth Syst Sci Data 1866-3508 260 12.1005 10.7004 11.2003
Earth-Science Reviews Earth-Sci Rev 0012-8252 258 12.9994 10.3005 10.7997
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Isprs J Photogramm 0924-2716 269 11.7994 9.7004 10.6002
Current Climate Change Reports Curr Clim Change Rep 2198-6061 2 14.9998 9.2994 9.2994
Advances in Geo-Energy Research Adv Geo-Energy Res 2207-9963 60 0.0000 8.0000 9.0002
Geoscience Frontiers Geosci Front 1674-9871 121 7.8001 8.1996 8.4997
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science Npj Clim Atmos Sci 2397-3722 214 9.7004 7.8996 8.4997
Agu Advances Agu Adv 2576-604X 40 8.4001 8.1996 8.3001
Communications Earth & Environment Commun Earth Environ 2662-4435 458 8.4001 7.8996 8.1000
Earth System Dynamics Earth Syst Dynam 2190-4979 65 6.7000 7.7002 7.8996
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Int J Appl Earth Obs 0303-2434 422 7.4996 6.7000 7.6001
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Ieee T Geosci Remote 0196-2892 2012 7.6001 5.3999 7.4996
Earths Future Earths Future 2328-4277 240 8.6999 6.9002 7.3003
Gondwana Research Gondwana Res 1342-937X 248 6.2001 6.7000 7.2002
Computers Environment and Urban Systems Comput Environ Urban 0198-9715 73 6.5005 6.7996 7.1000
Petroleum Exploration and Development Petrol Explor Dev+ 1000-0747 101 7.1000 5.9998 6.9997
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society B Am Meteorol Soc 0003-0007 156 7.8996 6.2998 6.9002
Engineering Geology Eng Geol 0013-7952 284 7.6001 6.1004 6.9002
Geochemical Perspectives Geochem Perspect 2223-7755 2 3.1000 6.7996 6.7996
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water Wires Water 2049-1948 71 8.9006 6.5005 6.7996
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Adv Atmos Sci 0256-1530 141 5.2002 5.9998 6.5005
Georisk-Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards Georisk 1749-9518 49 4.8003 5.1000 6.5005
Advances in Climate Change Research Adv Clim Chang Res 1674-9278 90 6.9002 6.1004 6.3996
Weather and Climate Extremes Weather Clim Extreme 2212-0947 92 7.3003 5.9998 6.1004
Giscience & Remote Sensing Gisci Remote Sens 1548-1603 104 7.3003 5.5999 5.9998
Science China-Earth Sciences Sci China Earth Sci 1674-7313 197 6.2001 5.5999 5.9998
Journal of Hydrology J Hydrol 0022-1694 1400 6.3996 5.1000 5.9003
Landslides Landslides 1612-510X 164 6.9002 5.2999 5.8000
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Hydrol Earth Syst Sc 1027-5606 238 6.1004 5.2999 5.6998
International Journal of Coal Geology Int J Coal Geol 0166-5162 124 5.9998 4.5003 5.5999
Economic Geology Econ Geol 0361-0128 84 5.9998 5.1000 5.5002
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Rock Mech Rock Eng 0723-2632 484 6.6002 4.8003 5.5002
Global Biogeochemical Cycles Global Biogeochem Cy 0886-6236 126 6.6002 5.0002 5.3999
Catena Catena 0341-8162 762 5.9003 4.9000 5.3999
Applied Clay Science Appl Clay Sci 0169-1317 316 5.2002 4.8003 5.2999
Computers and Geotechnics Comput Geotech 0266-352X 710 5.6998 4.2997 5.2999
Earth Systems and Environment Earth Syst Environ 2509-9426 25 5.2002 5.2999 5.2999
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos Chem Phys 1680-7316 719 5.6998 4.1998 5.2002
Surveys in Geophysics Surv Geophys 0169-3298 54 6.7996 4.5003 4.9000
Earth and Planetary Science Letters Earth Planet Sc Lett 0012-821X 384 5.0002 4.5003 4.8003
Geology Geology 0091-7613 200 5.1000 4.7003 4.8003
Journal of Climate J Climate 0894-8755 488 5.2999 4.1998 4.8003
Natural Resources Research Nat Resour Res 1520-7439 139 4.6000 4.2997 4.8003

