

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Eng Appl Artif Intel 0952-1976 1762 7.4001 5.9998 7.4996
Cell Reports Cell Rep 2211-1247 1544 8.4997 7.3003 7.4996
NBER Macroeconomics Annual Nber Macroecon Annu 0889-3365 5 7.6001 7.4996 7.4996
Digital Communications and Networks Digit Commun Netw 2468-5925 128 7.3003 7.2002 7.4996
Journal of Cell Biology J Cell Biol 0021-9525 216 8.1000 7.1000 7.4001
Seminars in Immunology Semin Immunol 1044-5323 90 9.9995 7.3003 7.4001
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Arterioscl Throm Vas 1079-5642 202 8.1000 7.1000 7.4001
Progress in Quantum Electronics Prog Quant Electron 0079-6727 9 10.5006 7.4001 7.4001
Movement Disorders Movement Disord 0885-3185 229 8.3001 6.7000 7.4001
Current Directions in Psychological Science Curr Dir Psychol Sci 0963-7214 69 8.8005 7.4001 7.4001
Corrosion Science Corros Sci 0010-938X 708 7.8996 6.2001 7.4001
Information Processing & Management Inform Process Manag 0306-4573 303 7.3003 6.3996 7.4001
Construction and Building Materials Constr Build Mater 0950-0618 4087 8.0000 5.5999 7.4001
Service Industries Journal Serv Ind J 0264-2069 51 7.4996 6.2998 7.4001
International Journal of Project Management Int J Proj Manag 0263-7863 48 8.1996 5.9003 7.4001
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application Annu Rev Stat Appl 2326-8298 29 9.5998 7.1000 7.4001
Blood Advances Blood Adv 2473-9529 590 7.2002 6.9997 7.4001
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Prog Nucl Mag Res Sp 0079-6565 13 8.1000 7.1000 7.3003
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Crit Rev Food Sci 1040-8398 462 10.3005 6.9997 7.3003
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology J Clin Epidemiol 0895-4356 210 7.4996 6.7996 7.3003
Journal of Headache and Pain J Headache Pain 1129-2369 159 7.7002 6.2001 7.3003
Earths Future Earths Future 2328-4277 240 8.6999 6.9002 7.3003
Microsystems & Nanoengineering Microsyst Nanoeng 2055-7434 154 7.7002 6.9997 7.3003
International Soil and Water Conservation Research Int Soil Water Conse 2095-6339 59 8.1000 6.9997 7.3003
Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerg Infect Dis 1080-6040 326 6.9997 6.9997 7.2002
Chemistry of Materials Chem Mater 0897-4756 982 8.4001 6.7996 7.2002
Gondwana Research Gondwana Res 1342-937X 248 6.2001 6.7000 7.2002
Particle and Fibre Toxicology Part Fibre Toxicol 1743-8977 49 8.8005 6.9997 7.2002
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Osteoarthr Cartilage 1063-4584 125 6.9997 6.7996 7.2002
Economic Geography Econ Geogr 0013-0095 21 11.1000 6.7996 7.2002
Fuel Processing Technology Fuel Process Technol 0378-3820 296 6.6002 6.7996 7.2002
Academy of Management Perspectives Acad Manage Perspect 1558-9080 23 9.2994 6.9997 7.2002
Computer Physics Communications Comput Phys Commun 0010-4655 311 6.6002 6.9997 7.2002
Applied Soft Computing Appl Soft Comput 1568-4946 1011 6.9997 6.6002 7.2002
Gender & Society Gender Soc 0891-2432 35 7.1000 7.1000 7.2002
Knowledge-Based Systems Knowl-Based Syst 0950-7051 874 7.4001 6.5005 7.2002
Psychological Inquiry Psychol Inq 1047-840X 12 7.2002 7.1000 7.2002
IEEE Transactions on Communications Ieee T Commun 0090-6778 502 6.2998 6.6002 7.2002
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology Int Forum Allergy Rh 2042-6976 129 5.2999 6.2998 7.2002
Social Issues and Policy Review Soc Iss Policy Rev 1751-2395 11 9.4006 7.2002 7.2002
Applied Materials Today Appl Mater Today 2352-9407 291 7.8001 7.1000 7.2002
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification Ieee T Transp Electr 2332-7782 420 7.8996 6.2998 7.2002
Current Opinion in Biotechnology Curr Opin Biotech 0958-1669 131 8.1996 6.9002 7.1000
Clinical Chemistry Clin Chem 0009-9147 97 7.4001 6.9002 7.1000
Ecological Monographs Ecol Monogr 0012-9615 30 9.0002 7.1000 7.1000
Free Radical Biology and Medicine Free Radical Bio Med 0891-5849 357 7.8996 6.9002 7.1000
Modern Pathology Modern Pathol 0893-3952 238 6.7996 6.7000 7.1000
American Sociological Review Am Sociol Rev 0003-1224 36 14.2994 6.7996 7.1000
Waste Management Waste Manage 0956-053X 509 7.8996 6.7000 7.1000
Building and Environment Build Environ 0360-1323 954 7.2002 5.6998 7.1000

