

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Diabetes Diabetes 0012-1797 152 7.1000 6.1004 6.2001
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Cell Mol Life Sci 1420-682X 359 7.7002 6.1004 6.2001
Plant Journal Plant J 0960-7412 482 7.1000 5.9003 6.2001
Pediatrics Pediatrics 0031-4005 437 7.1000 5.9003 6.2001
Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Circ-Cardiovasc Qual 1941-7705 69 8.3001 5.9998 6.2001
Journal of Organizational Behavior J Organ Behav 0894-3796 64 9.4006 5.9998 6.2001
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Ecotox Environ Safe 0147-6513 1353 6.2998 5.9003 6.2001
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Ieee T Automat Contr 0018-9286 758 6.6002 5.6998 6.2001
Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Escience Future Gener Comp Sy 0167-739X 380 5.9003 5.9003 6.2001
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Socio-Econ Plan Sci 0038-0121 294 5.9003 5.5002 6.2001
Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T J Mater Res Technol 2238-7854 3333 6.2998 5.3999 6.2001
Current Opinion in Structural Biology Curr Opin Struc Biol 0959-440X 172 5.9998 5.9003 6.1004
Systematic Biology Syst Biol 1063-5157 71 10.4002 5.5999 6.1004
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Mol Cell Proteomics 1535-9476 151 5.9998 5.8000 6.1004
Lab on A Chip Lab Chip 1473-0197 389 6.2998 5.5999 6.1004
Breast Cancer Research Breast Cancer Res 1465-5411 142 7.1000 5.9998 6.1004
Cancer Cancer-Am Cancer Soc 0008-543X 369 6.7000 5.9998 6.1004
Circulation-Cardiovascular Interventions Circ-Cardiovasc Inte 1941-7640 66 6.5005 5.9003 6.1004
Journal of Clinical Microbiology J Clin Microbiol 0095-1137 189 5.8000 5.8000 6.1004
Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Best Pract Res Cl En 1521-690X 65 6.2998 6.1004 6.1004
Biotechnology for Biofuels Biotechnol Biofuels 1754-6834 0 5.9998 6.1004 6.1004
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Ultrasound Obst Gyn 0960-7692 171 6.3996 5.2999 6.1004
Agricultural Systems Agr Syst 0308-521X 171 6.3996 5.6998 6.1004
IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics Ieee-Asme T Mech 1083-4435 443 6.2001 5.1000 6.1004
Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing Mat Sci Eng A-Struct 0921-5093 1223 6.2001 5.3999 6.1004
Soil & Tillage Research Soil Till Res 0167-1987 259 6.9002 5.6998 6.1004
Journal of Communication J Commun 0021-9916 43 7.4001 5.9003 6.1004
Applied Thermal Engineering Appl Therm Eng 1359-4311 2076 5.8000 5.0002 6.1004
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Artif Intell Med 0933-3657 179 7.1000 5.6998 6.1004
Tribology International Tribol Int 0301-679X 900 5.6998 4.9000 6.1004
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Ieee T Veh Technol 0018-9545 1537 6.5005 5.3999 6.1004
Public Administration Review Public Admin Rev 0033-3352 131 7.4996 4.2997 6.1004
World Journal of Pediatrics World J Pediatr 1708-8569 92 5.3999 5.9998 6.1004
Journal of Materials Chemistry B J Mater Chem B 2050-750X 831 6.1004 5.8000 6.1004
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Inorg Chem Front 2052-1553 625 5.9003 5.6998 6.1004
Ecosystem Services Ecosyst Serv 2212-0416 79 6.9002 5.8000 6.1004
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition Hepatobil Surg Nutr 2304-3881 38 6.5005 5.3999 6.1004
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis J Pharm Anal 2095-1779 113 6.7996 5.9003 6.1004
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Bioeng Transl Med 2380-6761 152 7.2002 5.9003 6.1004
Weather and Climate Extremes Weather Clim Extreme 2212-0947 92 7.3003 5.9998 6.1004
Animal Nutrition Anim Nutr 2405-6383 146 6.5005 5.8000 6.1004
Plant Cell and Environment Plant Cell Environ 0140-7791 239 7.6001 5.8000 5.9998
Human Reproduction Hum Reprod 0268-1161 246 6.3996 5.5999 5.9998
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences Crit Rev Plant Sci 0735-2689 23 8.0000 5.9003 5.9998
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Eur J Med Chem 0223-5234 827 6.1004 5.3999 5.9998
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment Agr Ecosyst Environ 0167-8809 391 6.3996 5.3999 5.9998
Age and Ageing Age Ageing 0002-0729 207 8.3001 5.6998 5.9998
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy J Orthop Sport Phys 0190-6011 49 6.2998 5.6998 5.9998
Publications Mathematiques de L Ihes Publ Math-Paris 0073-8301 6 5.9003 5.9998 5.9998
LWT-Food Science and Technology Lwt-Food Sci Technol 0023-6438 1272 5.9998 5.5999 5.9998

