

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Drug Delivery and Translational Research Drug Deliv Transl Re 2190-393X 203 5.5002 5.5999 5.6998
Applied Water Science Appl Water Sci 2190-5487 244 5.8000 5.3999 5.6998
Acta Geotechnica Acta Geotech 1861-1125 380 5.9998 4.8003 5.5999
Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics Fortschr Phys 0015-8208 78 4.3997 5.2999 5.5999
Entomologia Generalis Entomol Gen 0171-8177 104 5.0002 4.6000 5.5999
International Journal of Stem Education Int J Stem Educ 2196-7822 62 7.4996 5.1000 5.5999
Medical Microbiology and Immunology Med Microbiol Immun 0300-8584 21 4.0000 5.2999 5.5002
Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 1610-0379 193 5.1000 3.3000 5.5002
Infection Infection 0300-8126 159 4.6000 5.2002 5.3999
Catena Catena 0341-8162 762 5.9003 4.9000 5.3999
Plant Cell Reports Plant Cell Rep 0721-7714 111 5.2999 5.2002 5.2999
Advanced Electronic Materials Adv Electron Mater 2199-160X 389 6.6002 5.2002 5.2999
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos Chem Phys 1680-7316 719 5.6998 4.1998 5.2002
Biology and Fertility of Soils Biol Fert Soils 0178-2762 78 6.2001 4.2997 5.1000
European Transport Research Review Eur Transp Res Rev 1867-0717 44 4.8003 4.7003 5.1000
Batteries & Supercaps Batteries Supercaps 2566-6223 231 5.5002 4.9000 5.1000
Data Science and Engineering Data Sci Eng 2364-1185 33 3.5999 4.8003 5.1000
Thrombosis and Haemostasis Thromb Haemostasis 0340-6245 116 4.3997 4.2997 5.0002
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment Int J Life Cycle Ass 0948-3349 131 4.8003 4.5003 4.9000
Journal of Molecular Medicine-Jmm J Mol Med 0946-2716 122 4.7003 4.7003 4.8003
Archives of Toxicology Arch Toxicol 0340-5761 188 5.2999 4.5003 4.8003
Journal of Neurology J Neurol 0340-5354 476 4.8003 4.6000 4.8003
European Radiology Eur Radiol 0938-7994 868 5.2002 4.2997 4.7003
Lung Lung 0341-2040 66 3.9003 3.8001 4.6000
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research Mol Nutr Food Res 1613-4125 277 5.5999 4.2997 4.5003
Altex-Alternatives to Animal Experimentation Altex-Altern Anim Ex 1868-596X 40 5.0002 3.7001 4.5003
European Journal of Cell Biology Eur J Cell Biol 0171-9335 80 5.3999 4.0998 4.5003
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Int J Hyg Envir Heal 1438-4639 129 5.0002 4.0998 4.5003
International Journal of Medical Microbiology Int J Med Microbiol 1438-4221 19 3.3000 4.5003 4.5003
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis Adv Synth Catal 1615-4150 575 4.6000 4.0998 4.3997
Cryosphere Cryosphere 1994-0416 280 5.2002 3.5999 4.3997
Macromolecular Bioscience Macromol Biosci 1616-5187 274 5.0002 4.1998 4.3997
Theoretical and Applied Genetics Theor Appl Genet 0040-5752 247 5.0002 4.0000 4.3997
European Journal of Clinical Investigation Eur J Clin Invest 0014-2972 166 4.7003 4.2997 4.3997
Mineralium Deposita Miner Deposita 0026-4598 79 4.9000 4.0998 4.3997
Service Business Serv Bus 1862-8516 33 4.2997 3.4000 4.3997
Global Challenges Glob Chall 2056-6646 102 5.2002 4.2997 4.3997
Advanced Quantum Technologies Adv Quantum Technol 2511-9044 177 5.2999 4.0998 4.3997
Progress in Biomaterials Prog Biomater 2194-0509 5 7.3003 4.2997 4.3997
EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry Ejnmmi Radiopharm Ch 2365-421X 40 4.7003 4.0000 4.3997
Archiv Der Pharmazie Arch Pharm 0365-6233 160 4.3997 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Pest Science J Pest Sci 1612-4758 124 4.7003 4.0000 4.2997
Advanced Materials Interfaces Adv Mater Interfaces 2196-7350 588 5.2002 4.2997 4.2997
Bioresources and Bioprocessing Bioresour Bioprocess 2197-4365 93 5.2002 4.1998 4.2997
Mathematical Programming Computation Math Program Comput 1867-2949 19 9.4998 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Computers in Education J Comput Educ 2197-9987 45 4.8003 4.0998 4.2997
Macromolecular Rapid Communications Macromol Rapid Comm 1022-1336 319 4.5003 4.0000 4.1998
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease J Inherit Metab Dis 0141-8955 93 4.5003 3.8001 4.1998
European Physical Journal C Eur Phys J C 1434-6044 1105 4.0998 3.5999 4.1998
Plant Biology Plant Biology 1435-8603 94 3.9003 4.0998 4.1998

