

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 ↑ IFoid -
Chinese Journal of Catalysis Chinese J Catal 0253-9837 272 10.7004 14.8000 16.4996
Artificial Intelligence Artif Intell 0004-3702 96 14.1006 14.2006 14.4003
Seminars in Cancer Biology Semin Cancer Biol 1044-579X 372 14.8996 13.9002 14.5000
Clinical Microbiology and Infection Clin Microbiol Infec 1198-743X 243 10.7004 13.9002 14.2006
Chemical Engineering Journal Chem Eng J 1385-8947 6508 14.2994 13.7000 15.1004
Biomaterials Biomaterials 0142-9612 572 13.7998 13.6006 13.9993
Journal of Industrial Information Integration J Ind Inf Integr 2467-964X 99 13.9993 13.6006 15.7001
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C-Photochemistry Reviews J Photoch Photobio C 1389-5567 32 14.8000 13.5000 13.6006
Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pharmacol Therapeut 0163-7258 221 13.7000 13.3999 13.5000
Progress in Lipid Research Prog Lipid Res 0163-7827 31 16.1004 13.3003 13.6006
JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging Jacc-Cardiovasc Imag 1936-878X 115 14.6001 13.1995 13.9993
Ophthalmology Ophthalmology 0161-6420 137 12.7998 13.1995 13.7000
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology J Allergy Clin Immun 0091-6749 312 11.3997 13.0992 14.2006
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry J Am Acad Child Psy 0890-8567 77 11.9008 13.0992 13.3003
Autoimmunity Reviews Autoimmun Rev 1568-9972 129 10.2000 12.9994 13.6006
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology J Am Acad Dermatol 0190-9622 154 11.1000 12.9994 13.7998
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Am J Kidney Dis 0272-6386 135 9.8996 12.9002 13.1995
Computer Science Review Comput Sci Rev 1574-0137 32 13.0992 12.9002 12.9002
Ageing Research Reviews Ageing Res Rev 1568-1637 221 14.5000 12.7998 13.0992
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Cytokine Growth F R 1359-6101 49 10.7997 12.7998 12.9994
Journal of Hazardous Materials J Hazard Mater 0304-3894 2262 12.6999 12.7998 13.6006
Lancet Healthy Longevity Lancet Health Longev 2666-7568 56 13.0992 12.7998 13.0992
JACC-Heart Failure Jacc-Heart Fail 2213-1779 64 13.6006 12.6999 12.9994
Journal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun 0896-8411 111 9.8003 12.6005 12.7998
Clinical Psychology Review Clin Psychol Rev 0272-7358 69 16.3001 12.6005 12.7998
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture Int J Mach Tool Manu 0890-6955 58 12.2004 12.6005 13.9993
Engineering Engineering-Prc 2095-8099 199 13.6006 12.6005 12.7998
TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry Trac-Trend Anal Chem 0165-9936 299 13.0992 12.5001 13.0992
Resources Conservation and Recycling Resour Conserv Recy 0921-3449 598 13.3999 12.4002 13.1995
Remote Sensing of Environment Remote Sens Environ 0034-4257 454 14.2006 12.3008 13.5000
Journal of Public Transportation J Public Transport 1077-291X 0 4.7003 12.2004 12.2004
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clin Gastroenterol H 1542-3565 341 11.3997 11.9996 12.6005
Annals of Tourism Research Ann Tourism Res 0160-7383 109 12.4002 11.9996 13.1995
Journal of Energy Chemistry J Energy Chem 2095-4956 553 11.6000 11.9996 13.0992
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Isprs J Photogramm 0924-2716 276 12.4002 11.9008 12.6999
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Travel Med Infect Di 1477-8939 116 8.0000 11.7994 11.9996
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology Environ Sci Ecotech 2666-4984 53 12.6005 11.7994 12.6005
Cancer Treatment Reviews Cancer Treat Rev 0305-7372 94 11.7994 11.7002 11.7994
Biosensors & Bioelectronics Biosens Bioelectron 0956-5663 950 10.7997 11.7002 12.6005
Progress in Quantum Electronics Prog Quant Electron 0079-6727 20 10.5006 11.7002 11.7002
Tourism Management Tourism Manage 0261-5177 179 13.0992 11.7002 12.6999
Water Research Water Res 0043-1354 1358 13.3003 11.6000 12.7998
Composites Part B-Engineering Compos Part B-Eng 1359-8368 649 10.7997 11.6000 13.0992
Progress in Solid State Chemistry Prog Solid State Ch 0079-6786 10 7.4996 11.6000 11.9996
Educational Research Review Educ Res Rev-Neth 1747-938X 59 15.6006 11.6000 11.7002
Earth-Science Reviews Earth-Sci Rev 0012-8252 308 13.6006 11.3997 12.1005
Environment International Environ Int 0160-4120 593 12.4002 11.3997 11.7994
Computers & Education Comput Educ 0360-1315 184 12.6005 11.2997 11.9996
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer Bba-Rev Cancer 0304-419X 127 11.5003 11.2003 11.2003
Energy Economics Energ Econ 0140-9883 601 11.7002 11.2003 12.7998

