

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Kidney International Supplements Kidney Int Suppl 2157-1724 0 14.2006 19.3006 19.3006
ACS Energy Letters Acs Energy Lett 2380-8195 527 20.7991 18.5003 19.3006
Nature Chemistry Nat Chem 1755-4330 183 21.9991 19.0000 19.1993
Chem Chem-Us 2451-9294 204 23.8009 18.8997 19.1005
Reports on Progress in Physics Rep Prog Phys 0034-4885 41 18.1997 19.0000 19.0000
Clinical Microbiology Reviews Clin Microbiol Rev 0893-8512 24 33.7985 19.0000 19.0000
Energy Storage Materials Energy Storage Mater 2405-8297 502 18.3997 17.9991 18.8997
Nature Metabolism Nat Metab 2522-5812 136 20.9994 18.5991 18.8997
Science Bulletin Sci Bull 2095-9273 207 15.8000 18.2996 18.7999
Nature Machine Intelligence Nat Mach Intell 2522-5839 129 26.3997 18.2996 18.7999
Susmat Susmat 2766-8479 59 18.7004 17.9004 18.7004
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research Prog Retin Eye Res 1350-9462 55 20.2995 17.9004 18.5991
Journal of Advanced Ceramics J Adv Ceram 2226-4108 164 14.9998 16.6009 18.5991
Advanced Functional Materials Adv Funct Mater 1616-301X 3523 19.6000 17.4002 18.5003
Psychological Science in the Public Interest Psychol Sci Publ Int 1529-1006 5 40.0017 18.1003 18.1997
Bioactive Materials Bioact Mater 2452-199X 426 18.1997 17.1995 17.9991
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Annu Rev Clin Psycho 1548-5943 19 21.9003 17.8000 17.8000
Nature Physics Nat Phys 1745-2473 212 19.3006 17.2996 17.6003
Science Immunology Sci Immunol 2470-9468 119 19.1005 17.4002 17.6003
Periodontology 2000 Periodontol 2000 0906-6713 73 16.8008 16.8994 17.4990
Nature Cell Biology Nat Cell Biol 1465-7392 130 24.2003 17.0997 17.2996
Psychological Bulletin Psychol Bull 0033-2909 23 24.1000 17.0004 17.2996
Trends in Plant Science Trends Plant Sci 1360-1385 73 20.0992 17.0004 17.2996
Matter Matter-Us 2590-2393 209 18.8997 17.0004 17.2996
Computational Visual Media Comput Vis Media 2096-0433 48 0.0000 16.7007 17.2996
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering Ieee Rev Biomed Eng 1937-3333 42 0.0000 17.0004 17.1995
Advanced Fiber Materials Adv Fiber Mater 2524-7921 97 15.7001 16.1004 17.1995
Molecular Plant Mol Plant 1674-2052 100 21.3993 16.4996 17.0997
American Journal of Bioethics Am J Bioethics 1526-5161 33 12.3008 10.5006 17.0004
Nature Aging Nature Aging 97 17.0004 16.4996 17.0004
European Journal of Heart Failure Eur J Heart Fail 1388-9842 174 16.2000 14.2994 16.8994
International Materials Reviews Int Mater Rev 0950-6608 13 18.7004 16.8008 16.8008
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science Wires Comput Mol Sci 1759-0876 36 19.9996 16.7007 16.8008
Nano Energy Nano Energy 2211-2855 910 16.3001 15.8000 16.8008
Nature Reviews Psychology Nat Rev Psychol 59 16.8008 16.4996 16.8008
Trends in Ecology & Evolution Trends Ecol Evol 0169-5347 77 18.1997 16.3001 16.7007
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Trends Cogn Sci 1364-6613 61 21.7995 16.3001 16.7007
Military Medical Research Military Med Res 2095-7467 55 14.8000 16.1004 16.7007
Behavioral and Brain Sciences Behav Brain Sci 0140-525X 20 16.6009 16.1004 16.6009
Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res 0305-1048 1208 16.1004 15.9004 16.6009
European Respiratory Journal Eur Respir J 0903-1936 145 17.6003 15.9992 16.6009
Circulation Research Circ Res 0009-7330 173 20.2995 16.2000 16.4996
Accounts of Chemical Research Accounts Chem Res 0001-4842 308 20.1992 16.3001 16.4006
Neuro-Oncology Neuro-Oncology 1522-8517 146 14.8996 15.8000 16.4006
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Psychother Psychosom 0033-3190 28 17.4990 14.2994 16.3001
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Renew Sust Energ Rev 1364-0321 925 16.8008 15.4997 16.3001
Acta Numerica Acta Numer 0962-4929 7 18.7999 16.1004 16.3001
National Science Review Natl Sci Rev 2095-5138 255 18.5991 15.9992 16.3001
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine Ieee Geosc Rem Sen M 2473-2397 28 15.6006 15.9004 16.2000
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition Angew Chem Int Edit 1433-7851 4047 16.2000 14.8000 16.1004

